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Kong's POV

I walked out of the house holding Fang's hand. I put her things in P'Prae's car.. She hugged me tightly.. I knew how she was feeling.. She buried her face in my chest and kept crying.. I just let her cry because I know she needs that. I was the same when it happened.. P'Nat and Stud were the ones to hug me.. Soon everyone came out..

"Lil girl.. you were strong.. we will talk later.. but for now.. let us go to my place." I said. She nodded her head. and then slowly let go of the hugged and wiped away her tears.
"Will you go with P'Prae..? I will get some dresses and other things you will need.. and come back soon." I asked her. 
"Come back soon.. I don't feel good." She said with a sad voice. I kissed her forehead before nodding my head.

"I will look after her.. take a leave also.." P'Prae said as she got into the car. 
"Khab P.. thank you.. I will be back soon." I said. I patted Fang's head before waving them bye. 
"Captain.." I called for him as I faced him. I know I will have to do some explanation..

"Kong.. first let us go to office.. we can close the office.. we don't have any case or important woks. We will accompany you.. we won't pressure you to tell things.. but let us stay together." He said.
"And we will help you to buy things for Fang." May and Maprang said. I smiled at them. I was lucky to have them with me.

We went back to the office and wrapped up our works.. I gave the location of my home to others and asked them to go while I, P'Arthit, May and Maprang went to get the required necessities for Fang.. I picked up some dresses.. while May and Maprang took the other required items which they were sure Fang would need or use them.

As soon as I reached home.. the sight which greeted me made me feel warm.. Em, Tew, Oak, P'Bright and P'Tutah were talking to her and making her laugh.. I stood there looking at her with a little smile.. 
"P''Kong you are back." Fang said as she noticed me.. The first thing was she did was to get up and hug me.. P'Arthit took all the bags in my hand as she hugged me. 

"Here.. give me the bags.." P'Prae asked P'Arthit. "I am fixing her things up in the other room Kong.." P'Prae said.. I nodded my head and mouther her 'Thank you' to which she just smiled.
"P.. May.. Maprang.. please sit down.. this little clingy bear of mine won't let go me anytime soon." I said and teased Fang a little.
"I don't care.. it's been many years since I got to hold you like this and an year without seeing you." She said as she tightened the hug. I know that is only a part reason.. the main reason is she must be feeling hard to digust the situation.

Some how I convinced Fang to sit down.. but she leaned on to my chest and I wrapped my hand around her.. I know she wants some warmth and the feeling of being safe and with loved ones.. so I let her be. Even I held her close to me.

"Okay everyone.. no need to treat me as your Lieutenant.. even I treat Kong as my family.. so feel free.." P'Prae said as she saw that everyone were trying to act normal but failing. 
"P'Arthit.. P'Prae is actually younger than you all by 2yrs.. so relax around her.. when not in duty." I said.
"Since when do you both know eachother.?" P'Arthit asked..

"I was incharge when Kong was getting trained.. that was where we first met.. I lost my family at a young age.. and seeing Kong.. it made me feel protective of him.. so I tried talking to him.. it was hard to get him talk to me.. but eventually he gave in.. from then.. though I was really close to him.. I made him undergo more extreme training for him to face the reality again.. that was how we became close." P'Prae explained.. 

"Fang.. did you have your lunch." I asked Fang.. She nodded her head saying 'No'. I remembered no one had lunch.. 
"Let me prepare lunch for you all.. I am sorry it slipped out of my mind." I said and stood up. Fang asked P'Prae to sit beside and leaned on to her. I am glad she is also close with P'Prae.

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