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Kong's POV

I was over the cloud nine and I wanted to brag to everyone about being P'Arthit's boyfriend. But I had to put that away and focus on work as P'Arthit called for an emergency meeting. We immediately gathered in the meeting room and took our seats. P'Arthit displayed a picture of a person on the screen.

"Captain.. this is Decha right.?" P'Knot said with a serious face.
"Yes." P'Arthit said.
"He has gone underground right..?" P'Prem asked.
"He went.. but now he is back. And our sources say that he is up for some big drug deal this time." P'Arthit said.

"Last time he escaped us.. but this time, we should make sure to catch him." Wad said. They dealt with him already.. but how did they fail.. I was looking at everyone hoping that they would explain what happened the last time.
"The last time.. we were really very close to catch him.. it was a couple of years ago.. but at the last moment, he managed to shot P'Arthit and P'Knot and then escaped. We did an undercover mission for that." Em said. 

"P'Arthit and P'Knot made it out safely but we could not trace him again.. We found that he hid himself and now he is finally back." Tew added.
"Captain, he recognizes most of us. This time it is not possible for us to get into his team. He will identify us." P'Bright said.
"We need to come up with some plan as soon as possible.. we don't have time.. the informers we have are not that close to him to get the information about the deal. We need to find someone who knows about the deal in detail." P'Arthit said seriously. 

"Or we can get someone close to him and that someone must be able to gain the trust in a very short span." P'Tutah said eyeing me. I understood why he was looking at me. Will I be able to manage things if I chose to go as an undercover agent.? I don't have much experience.. what will happen if I fail.? I thought in my mind. 

"Kong." I came out of my thoughts when Em shook my hand as he called me. 
"What are you thinking.?" P'Knot asked.
"He doesn't know about me P." I said. Everyone went silent for a minute.
"No way Kong.. I am not looking down on you.. don't take me wrong.. but Kong you just joined a couple of months back.. it would be risky." P'Arthit denied immediately.

"But P.. I am the only one he won't recognize.. also I can prepare myself for it." I said confidently.
"Kong we don't have much time to prepare you Kong.. if we have to make you join his team.. we will have to do it tonight itself." P'Bright said.
"That will be more than enough P.. I bet all the things I will need will be prepared in a while.. I will just need to make sure to remember the way I can contact you. I need to know the address where I will stay and my identity.." I said confidently. 

"That is the best choice we have." P'Knot said. P'Arthit was still in denial. 
"Kong.. it is not as easy as you think.. if at he gets a glimpse about you.. he would kill you." He said.
"I know P.. but isn't it our duty to save the people from people like him. P.. we took an oath to protect them P.. we can't step back because of fear." I said confidently. I know he is trying hard to think professionally but is failing.

"P.. treat me as any other detective." I said looking straight into his eyes. He took a minute before nodding his head in approval. 
"Bright, Tutah, Oak, Maprang and May.. get his identities ready.. give him a new name. Knot, Prem.. go and inform our lieutenant about the mission and take the required permissions." P'Arthit ordered. 

"Tew and Wad.. arrange a place where he will be staying. Make sure that the surroundings can be monitored secretly. Em.. let us go and get his style changed. " He added. All of them left to do their respective tasks. I, Em and P'Arthit went to a mall. Em went to buy me some new style dresses while P'Arthit was changing my hairstyle.. he even got my ears pierced. 

After everything was done.. we headed to my home. Em was explaining about my mission to my Mae and Fang while P'Arthit was helping me to get ready. I could just stand while he was styling my hair and getting me ready. I have been observing what all he was doing so that I can follow the style from time to time.

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