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Should note, that from 24, they act slightly different for a while after, America more emotional and clingy, and Canada more cold and harsh. You'll see this later, as I just had to clarify.))

With the countries~~~

Most were happy at the memory, though France and England were both a little annoyed, but they kinda went ignored for the most part. The countries had some time to talk to one another about what they were watching, and most had left for a small break, thinking that the memory wouldn't play unless they were there, and correct they were, kinda irritating/confusing the twins.

The only ones to remain in the room now were the ex-empires and a certain Italian, and none of them looked happy. France and England were still annoyed, and Spain was just giving them a really irritated/unimpressed look. The tension between the three was almost palpable, and, once again, Romano was being suffocated by the atmosphere. "Okay, why do you three want to kill each other now? Cinque minuti fa stavi bene.. (five minutes ago you were fine)" Romano asked, annoyed as well but that isn't surprising. Spain looked over at him, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah... Not much, mi amor- "Don't call me that bastard!" "-But just what happens next isn't the nicest." He said, shrugging a bit, before turning back to the now grumbling nations. "Well? Quello che è successo? (What happened)" Lovino asked, and got a sigh from all three. "You'll see.." They said at the same time, and Romano felt himself give up on humanity a bit more.

After a short while, countries began to come back and get comfortable again, the four still not really happy, but were kinda ignored once again. Some (Feli) went up to them and asked why they were so angry to not really get an answer, while saying to Roma it was hug therapy time, and Lovino gave up more on everything. The memory started quickly after, as in black limbo, the twins at this point were mildly annoyed.

The memory started inside the house once again, France and England now here, and were pretty angry. Spain foresaw this, and tried to reason with the two, not wanting to things to escalate, but that was expected really.

After only a few minutes, the three were fighting about what to do with the two, and said two were in their bedroom, listening to what was happening downstairs. They had an array of emotions at the same time, but made sure to keep quiet about them, and just listened to the three bicker.

A while passes, and Spain seemed to be loosing this hypothetical battle, but didn't stop fighting with the other two. This really worried the twins, as they didn't want what had happened isolation to happen again, obviously. Alfred huffed quietly and looked around, landing on the window before smirking a small bit and walking over. This gained Canada's attentions, who narrowed his eyes. "Where are you going?" He asked, and America only shrugged. "Dunno. Just, away from here for a while. Actually-" He then turned back to Canada and picked him up, before going out the window, landing on the ground with a quiet thud. "Wait- what?!" Canada said, and again, America shrugged. "Getting away." Canada started at him for a minute or so, shocked, before groaning and shaking his head. "We can't just leave!" He said loudly, and America rolled his eyes but started to walk away, looking around cautiously. "Why not?" He asked but mumbled something sadly to himself that went unheard.

Canada just facepalmed, jumping out of his arms. "Because what will happen if they do find us? Or the rest of the town??" America just sighed, and looked down with furrowed brows. "They won't." "How can you be sure?! Last time we thought we were alone, you ended up getting shot!" Canada said, getting a bit annoyed. America stayed quiet for a few minutes, not wanting to particularly think of that.. "Because, we can go to the forest. They couldn't find us there, remember?" He said quietly, and Canada just huffed and folded his arms. "Yeah, and what, we have to steal again to survive?!" He said, growing more angry slowly, as America sighed quietly again. "Look, it's better then being separated." He said, and Canada rolled his eyes, before sending a small glare. "And if we're found, that'll make things worse." He said, and America went completely quiet, thinking.

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