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After the memory ended, and America had enough, everyone decided to take a break for lunch.

The nations in white limbo took this time to just relax, talking to each other and whatnot, the Nordics happy that their settlements from so long ago were still alive, the four talking about how they knew the twins and everything like that, the empires and everyone else were left to do whatever they wanted.

In black limbo, it was quiet. Not silent, just, quiet. The two had nothing to say, as they just thought about everything happening, while also trying to preparing themselves, not liking the memories that were to come.

Anyways, said two were doing whatever, with America on a couch, thinking for a few minutes before sighing and standing, going into the kitchen where Canada was, making some food. Alfred just fell on him, watching him cook. The Canadian stumbled forward slightly, not expecting that, but quickly gained his balance back. "Whatcha doiiiiiin?" The younger asked, to get a small sigh in return. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Canada responded, making said American huff, laying his head on the others shoulder. "Cooking, obviously." This seemed to irritate the Canadian a bit, who narrowed his eyes slightly. "Then why'd you ask if is obvious?" This only earned the elder a grin. "Becaaaauuuuuse I'm bored and there's nothing else to doOOOOO-" He said, before dramatically falling to the side, and the two would've fell over if it wasn't for Matthew grabbing the ledge of the counter.

This just ended up with the two having a stare down, an aggravatingly happy and oblivious look from America and a "I want to slap you" look from Canada. After a few minutes, Alfred decided to anger Matthew more (while probably not even knowing) and hugged him, looking back at the food. "Your gonna burn the food! You have to focus on NOT being like Iggy and setting the place on fire! I thought you knew this!" This worked in annoying the Canadian more, to the point an atmosphere somewhat like Russia's was forming around him, but, America couldn't see this.

After a few minutes of the power talking nonstop and annoying Matthew more and more, said nation was really starting to get fed up with the younger, in a brotherly way of course. He soon just turned the heat on the stove to low, and sighed deeply. "I want to kill you right now. Like, actually stab just you." America scoffed and unhooked himself from Canada, putting a hand on his hip. "Why? I'm just over here talking, not doing anything, and then you want to kill me. Just, being mean to me for no reason." This just irritated the northerner more, as he grabbed America's shoulders tightly, smiling somewhat forcedly and looking a lot like Russia now. "Do you think I'm joking? Really?" He said in a threateningly nice way, and America smirked, still being blind to the atmosphere. "Yeeeeeeesssss... I mean, you won't kill me actually, so, yEaH!" The Canadian looked down while chuckling, causing the American to raise his eyebrows. "Your really don't believe me huh?" He said darkly, and Alfred thought for a few minutes, before only shrugging. "Nahhhhh.. I'm calling your bluff!" Matthew blinked a few times before sighing deeply. "Your an actual idiot." Said Canadian said in slight surprise, before just tackling him to the ground, as they then just started to wrestle, neither looking to be winning or loosing, so basically continued until both got tired.

Matthew went back into the kitchen afterwards, grumbling to himself about Alfred in a angry yet playful way, and the American, having not learnt anything, just followed him back in the kitchen, now just sitting at the table, staring at a wall. "Boredooooooom...." He mumbled after a few minutes of silence, to get a glare from Canada. "Al, I really don't know what you want me to do. Isn't there anything else for you to do?" This earned a slight deadpan. "No not really." Matthew softened his look, to now have a slightly annoyed expression, before turning back to the stove. "Well, go find something to do." "Buuuuut Maattttiiiieeeeee! Everything's booooringgggg!" The American whined, falling onto the table with a small thump, and Canada pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are acting like a child but... I guess I can't be surprised." He said, getting a slight glare, along with a loud "Hey!".

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