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After the last, and each memory, there was a small break where the countries can talk or get food or water. At this time, Spain and France seemed happier, and sometimes turning to Romano and Arthur to try and talk to them a bit, making both get yelled at by the Italian and Brit respectively.

Once everyone was back, another memory started, as it was still in the empires house.

The memory starts at a slightly later time, but the twins were still young, and the Europeans were all still pirates. The two were talking to each other, waiting for their brothers to return, since they had told the two that they had to do something.

As the twins waited, they played games to help the time pass, but after an hour, still nothing happened. They haven't came back yet. After a couple more hours, the door finally opened, as Spain came in, holding alot of papers in his arms. Both smiled at him, and ran to his side, happy he was back.

The spaniard seemed exhausted, but turned to the two with a smile. "Hola chicos! How have you two been?" He asked, the tiredness lacing his voice, but it wasn't heard. "We've been good! How was your trip? Where is Papa and Iggy?" America asked excitedly, tilting his head slightly to get a sigh in return. "Bien, not that bad, and I don't really know. But, I... have to do a lot, okay? If you two need anything, i'll be in my office." He said, walking to said room.

The two nodded in understanding, since he had all of those papers. This happened with the other two elders, who came soon after Antonio. They both retreated to their rooms also, leaving the two alone.

The twins both still didn't mind, and began to play again, and for the rest of the day, they heard nothing from the three. This saddened them slightly, and when night rolled around, they went to bed in the almost deadly silent house, but they told themselves and each other that they had a lot of work, and they would come out tomorrow.

In the morning, the two awoke and started to get ready for the day. After that, they walked downstairs, looking for the three, and soon went to the kitchen for some food. America saw a paper on the table, and climbed up, grabbing it. "Hey Mattie, there's a note." He said, jumping off of the chair, going over to him.

Canada looked over and tilted his head slightly. "Hmm? Why would there be one?" He asked, curious yet confused. Alfred only shrugged in response. "I don't really know... But it says that Iggy, Papi (Spain), and Papa had to leave...for some work.." He said, getting quieter the more he talked. Canada looked down sadly, before looking over the note, and it indeed said that, making Matthew frown a bit.

Both were quiet for some time, not really knowing what to say. After a few minutes, America put the note away, and looked at Canada with a small smile, though it was forced slightly. "Well, they will come back sooner or later right? And, remember all of those papers? They probably have lots of work, so we'll just have to wait again. They can't be gone for that forever, right..?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood, mumbling that last sentence, hoping that he was right.

Canada nodded slightly, still disappointed that the three had left without a word basically. "Yes.. They wouldn't leave us.. would they..?" He asked quietly, to which America just shook his head, but said nothing. Again, it was quiet, as both were now trying to tell themselves that they would soon come back but...they just didn't believe that...

Alfred soon looked up, to see Matthew have some small tears in his eyes from some thoughts that they never will return. Alfred quickly went over, and hugged him tightly, trying to comfort him. "It'll be okay, they'll come back, and everything will be fine." He said to get a small nod in response. Alfred was a bit angry at the three for making his brother cry, but didn't let that show as he continued to try and soothe him.

With the twins~~~

Both were now looking away slightly, as that was the first time they were alone, but definitely not the last.. To say that Alfred was still angry with the three for leaving would be an understatement. He soon looked over at Matthew, who again had a couple of stray tears. He instinctively wrapped an arm around his twin, which made said country lay on his shoulder. This only got the American madder, but kept that down, knowing that it would be useless if he actually showed it.

After a few minutes of silence, Matthew shook his head a bit, looking at the black floor. " isn't fair...they left for so long that..." He said quietly, as Alfred only sighed. "I know, I know... It really isn't fair.. but we got through it, now it's only in the past." He said, now hugging Matt fully. It was quiet again, but not like before. Now, Alfred was trying to comfort Matthew, who was crying quietly into Al's shoulder. Of course, America also was sad, and still really angry, but ignored his feelings, putting Matthew infront of how he felt, as he thought that his feelings weren't as important as Matt.

It stayed like this for a while, before Canada slowly calmed down, and was pretty tired from everything, so just fell asleep in Alfred's arms. America didn't mind, as he rubbed circles into his back slightly, also pretty tired, but tried to stay awake for as long as he could. After an hour or so, he finally drifted off to sleep as well, still holding Matt, now more protectively.

((Hilo again! I don't know what to say here... Uhh... *Cue intense big brain powers* Well, hope you enjoyed and all of that. I really am at a loss of words rn- ummm.. want some memes?-

 want some memes?-

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I am disappointed in myself too, no worries-))

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I am disappointed in myself too, no worries-))

1031 words

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