Thirty-Five (pt 1)

493 22 15

This one's a long one, and this is a warning; strap in bois. This isn't gonna be like how the revolution was, oh no.... I kind of go insane here C: ))

~~With the Nations~~

Left with a sour taste, the memory faded out. A lot happened, with a few different tones the video had all together.

A silent pausing was initiated, maybe for an hour or a few, it didn't really matter how much time it was.

Going off into separate groups, into separate parts of this plane, Nations scattered. Some went off to the kitchen, other their rooms, or perhaps to the "main" room to relax.

After the froggy nation of France shooed him away from the kitchen and from getting his tea, England flopped onto his bed, quite tired.

A lot of what he was watching did surprise him, and he was now starting to figure that he was wrong in his assumption.

Though, the two were just... A bit strange to say the least, so he shouldn't be all that surprised.

Soon, a knock came at his door, forcing him to get up and check in who it was.

And who's surprised it's France. But he did have quite the large tea cup in his hand, so it wasn't all gloom and doom. Arthur took the cup and waited for Francis to talk.

"Allamagne said that the break is going to end soon." England nodded, taking a sip of the Earl Grey he noticed.

"Well. I was wanting to take a nap..." The Frenchie hummed, thinking. "Maybe... I could talk to him about it. Its been a while since I've slept too.."
England nodded. "Just a nap is all I need." France looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow. "A nap you need..-" "If you didn't give me tea you would be running."

France smirked, waving the threat away. "We could all use one, don't think I'm targeting you, mon ami." The emerald eyed ex-empire narrowed his said eyes at the Frenchman in front of him, but shrugged it off, and took another sip. "Well alright, go tell Germany to give more time. I feel we will need it..." He mumbled, and France nodded, walking off.

~~After the much longer break and this timeskip was brought to you by England's clairvoyance~~

Once everybody was rested and relaxed, all gathered in the showing place, and got themselves comfortable. 

Days started to blur. How long was he down there, alone?

Of course, not totally alone. Kumajirou, the bear cub he found, was keeping him sane. Routinely, Kuma would nudge the Canadian to feed him, to just take care of him in general, which would warrant Canada to also take care of himself — not as much, but he was doing alright in that sense.

Mentally, he had clocked out ages ago.

He hasn’t heard himself speak in ages, he forgot he even could. America wouldn’t come downstairs, and Matthew, as harsh as it was, wouldn't know if he really did want him down.

Sometimes Alfred would make a trip downstairs, but lesser and lesser times after each little visit. Barely any words were shared anyways, just pure silence.

Everytime, Canada would watch the nation closely, and after the second trip, America also seemed checked out; saying nothing, grabbing some small snacks, and back upstairs he went. Canada was just on the couch, besides Kuma who was asleep.

Matthew knew that this wasn’t good. He knew he should try to do something, but…

An omnipresent weight just laid on his shoulders, his mind was foggy and he had this strange exhaustion that ached when he tried to do anything other than the essentials. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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