(Updated) Chapter 2-First Day of School

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Romeo High looks just like any other high school I've been to. The main entrance has a row of glass doors you enter leading to a large atrium. Rows of showcases full of different trophies, awards and photos plaster the outer walls. Colorful posters made of crate paper welcome students back for another year. Not far down the hall to the right sits the office and cafeteria. The halls are all lined with red lockers as far as your eye can see. Students of every grade stand in front of them talking to friends and giving each other hugs. Watching those around me call out to one another and embrace each other reminds me of just how alone I am here, even in the midst of the crowd.

I find my way into the office and look around. It's much quieter and less crowded compared to the hallway I just came from. I'm grateful for the momentary reprieve. I walk up to the secretary sitting behind the front desk. She's a middle aged woman wearing a headset that she's currently talking into. Her desk plate read's Mrs Fox. From the sounds of it, she's talking to a nervous parent of an incoming freshman who forgot their emergency inhaler. Being the seasoned veteran at these kinds of parent calls, Mrs Fox gives a few well crafted reassurances to the mother on the line. Without missing a beat she holds up her finger, acknowledging that she knows I'm waiting to speak with her and continues to console the irrationally distraught woman on the phone. A moment later she finally hangs up and turns to me.

"Sorry about that. Just the normal first day mom jitters. You must be Lila Daniels!"

I'm a little bit shocked that she already knows who I am since we have never met.

"You caught me." I say with finger guns.

Why did I just answer like that?! Calm down you weirdo. I guess I also have a case of the first day jitters.

"I mean, uh yes. I'm Lila Daniels." I give Mrs. Fox a faint smile.

"So nice to meet you, honey. We don't get a lot of transfer students so you're sure to be the talk of the school! Looks like you came all the way from Chicago. How exciting! I always thought I'd live in a big city one day...."

Mrs. Fox trails off in thought which gives me the perfect amount of time to have a minor freak out. She thinks I'll be the talk of the school?! Me?? Talk about my worst nightmare. Gulp.

Mrs. Fox brings me back to reality when she senses my sudden nerves. Or maybe it was my ghostly white face that gave me away?

"Oh sweetie it's ok. Everyone here is very nice. Payton will be here any minute to show you around and you two will have a great day. Promise!" She gives me a reassuring smile and hands me my class schedule from her desk as the phone begins to ring again.

I muster up a brief smile back before taking a seat on the bench to wait on my escort. I scan the paper which holds all the names of teachers and room numbers that mean absolutely nothing to me. They could have all be written in German and it would have meant about the same to me. A moment later a gorgeous, bubbly brunette walks through the office door, directly up to me.

"Hi Lila, I'm Payton Johnson. It's so nice to finally meet you!" She gives me a giant hug without any warning. I'm completely caught off guard, standing with my arms pinned down at my sides unable to move away from the stranger I just met.

"Uh, hi. Nice to meet you. How did you know who I was?" I muster out the question when she finally releases me.

Payton lets out a laugh and slaps my arm. "You're funny."

I am? Wasn't tryin to be.

"I only mean because I know everyone at this school, silly. Plus, our dad's work together. My dad came home from work a few weeks ago saying there was a new transfer into his office and he had a daughter in my grade who would be starting at Romeo. Of course I volunteered to be the one to show you around on your first day! It only seemed right." She states matter of factly.

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