(Updated) Chapter 7- Cheer Practice

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My last class of the day is Seminar.  It's basically a built in study hall where you can work on whatever homework you need to. Since it's the first day of school and we haven't been bombarded with work yet, Payton, Kelly, Rachel, Claire and I head to a secluded corner in the library to chat.

"Guys, you all should have signed up for weight training with Lila and I. Best class ever! You could've watched Lila be a total Boss Babe and take down not only Tanner but TJ too during class! It was epic!" Kelly gushes to the others.

"Wait what? We need more explanation pronto. Give us all the deets!" Payton says urgently.

"Ok so this is how it happened. Our class was combined with the boys weight training class today. Ms. H and Coach B needed to get all our baselines so they split us into groups. Lila and I were unfortunately placed into a group with Tanner. Per usual he was asking like a complete slimeball. When he tried to put the moves on Lila during our wall sits Lila acted like the true Queen that she is and shut that sorry boy down! This dude thought he could put hands on her and then beat her, well he was very wrong. The look on his face when he got a cramp and fell off the wall was priceless! It's a moment I will replay in my head over and over every time he annoys me."

"No way! That's awesome!" Payton says.

"Just wait, it gets even better, Pay! After that, just before class was over Ms. H picked Lila out of all the girls in our class to face off with TJ at the rope climb. Once again, our girl took the challenge head on and left him in her dust. Lila you're quickly turning into a legend at this school!"

"Dang girl, only your first day and you already managed to shut up Tanner? You are a legend!" Rachel high fives me. "I would've paid good money to see you beat that egotistical moron."

"I agree!" Claire seconds the high five. "Tanner really is the worst. Good job Lila!"

"Thanks, it really wasn't that big'a deal..." I say modestly. "But you should have seen his face when I switched to one leg." I let out a belly laugh and the girls do the same.

It feels completely natural to laugh with these four. I don't feel like the new girl around them, I feel completely myself which is the best feeling I've had all day, heck maybe even all year.

"I'm not sure what makes me more sad, missing you shut down Tanner or beating my brother at something athletic?! TJ's ego is out of control this year. Finally being a senior, captain of the football team and having all the girls at this school drooling over him definitely has gone to his head. I don't think it could get any bigger. I'm so happy you were able to knock him down a few notches for me Lila." Payton says with approval.

I try to cover my blush with a smile and laugh. If only Payton really knew how I felt about her brother. Gulp.

"Brothers...what would they do without sisters to bring them back down to earth?" I say trying to hide my school girl crush from my new friends, especially Payton.

"Cheers to that!" Payton and I 'toast' our water bottles together across the table.

"I agree 100% with you Payton, but still you've gotta admit... Your brother is super hot." Kelly says with an unapologetic shrug.

Payton throws her pen at Kelly who ducks out of the way before it can hit her.

"Gross. Don't make me gag. You guys have been my best friends forever. You've grown up with TJ like a brother and seen him through all his awkward phases just like I have. I don't know how you could possibly think that way." Payton says in disgust.

"Yeah yeah I know, you can calm down! All I'm saying is he's nice to look at. I would never try anything with him because you're one of my best friends and girl code obviously......but it doesn't mean I hate seeing him with his shirt off at your summer cottage." Kelly pumps her eyebrows.

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