Chapter 22- Brotherly Love

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I'm watching old One Tree Hill episodes in my room and pretending to study my Spanish II flash cards when my phone starts ringing.  Even though it's been a few days since Tyler ended things between us, my heart still drops into my stomach whenever it rings. I guess a part of me is still hoping he will call and we could talk like we used to.

"Hey Charlie"
I plaster on the best fake smile I can muster when I answer my brother's Facetime. He's tried calling me all week and I haven't had the energy to speak with him. I decide I can't avoid him any longer.

"Hey Lies! How are you? Where you been all week? You're not trying to dodge your big bro are you?!"

I muster a small laugh "I'm good....just been busy."

It's only partially a lie. I have been pretty busy, throwing myself into my homework to try and forget how much my heart is breaking.

"Oh yeah?.....How was Homecoming?" He's trying to mask his motive for calling but I know the only reason why he bothers to ask.

"You know, like any high school dance....."

I can't make eye contact with Charlie, I'm a terrible liar and he always sees right through me.

"Did that Tyler kid go?"

THERE IT IS. What Charlie really wants to know.  That didn't take long. Charlie clearly hasn't forgotten the last time we talked I hung up on him because Tyler showed up tossing pebbles at my bedroom window.

"Um.....yeah. He was there." I bite my lip.

"What aren't you telling me Lila? You're being weird. Just spit it out..... you know I'll find out anyway."

I sigh with frustration because I know Charlie won't stop until I tell him. He knows me too well, I can't fake how I'm feeling around him.


"Lila, stop stalling. Just tell me. Did he try something? Do I need to teach this dude a lesson?! I can—" His voice starts to sound panicked.

"No! No, nothing like that. Actually the opposite, Tyler saved me from stupid Tanner..." I mumble under my breath.

"Wait, back up! Whose Tanner and what did he do to you? You better tell me right now what happened!" The alarm in Charlie's voice is growing by the second.

" wasn't a big deal. Tyler got to me in time."

His voice is stern. He sounds bizarrely similar to my dad which throws me off.

"I'll tell you everything if you promise NOT to overreact."
This time my voice is the one that's stern.

"I never overreact." Charlie goffs.

"I'm serious, Charlie."

"Fine." He crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm listening."

" I said, it's not a big deal.... Tanner is just a narcissistic prick who goes to my school. He's awful and I can't stand him. Anyways, he was kind of drunk at the dance and sort of grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. I told him I didn't want to dance but he was being a pig...."

I can tell Charlie's blood is starting to boil. The redness in his neck is slowly creeping into his face. He fights back the urge to interject and lets me continue with a subtle head nod.

"So yeah, I was trying to get away from Tanner when Tyler saw what was happening and he....uhh....punched him."

"Oooooooh! I wish I'd seen that!"

We both laugh a little bit before I continue.

"Anyways, Tanner totally deserved it. After Tyler clocked him they started actually fighting. It was kind of a mess. It all happened so fast. Some chaperones saw the fight and broke it up. We had to leave the dance after that." I look back up at Charlie who is trying to stifle his smile and remain serious.

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