Chapter 25 - The Bet

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"Alright enough of this depressing cry-fest n' feeling sorry for ourselves. I know it sucks that our season ended without the Title, but that's not gonna stop me from being proud of each of us this season. I'm choosing to think about all we did accomplish and how far we came, instead of what we didn't do. Ya'll are my brothers and played not only extremely well throughout this season, but you did it with integrity, class and heart and that matters more to me than any State Title. We had a heck of a ride and there is nobody else I would rather have gone through it with then all of you."

Chase is saying this to Jake, Brady, Mason and Tyler when we walk down the stairs. From the looks of it, the boys haven't done much of anything besides raid the snacks and sit around feeling sorry for themselves in the five minutes we have been upstairs changing from our wet clothes.

Chase turns around to us girls.

"Perfect timing. I was just telling the guys how proud I am of us this season and I can't forget you ladies either. You all stuck by us at every game and I think I can speak for all of us when I say it wouldn't have been the same without you girls there."

"Aww babe, you're so sweet." Kelly pecks Chase on the cheek and takes a seat in his lap on the couch.

"I think I can speak on behalf of us girls when I say we are also so proud of each of you this season." Payton squeezes Jake's arm before she turns to Tyler and continues. "And if I can get a little sentimental for just a minute. I promise I won't get too emotional on everyone because it feels like there's been a lot of that already tonight.... But I just want to say that getting to be on the sidelines to watch my big brother live out his dreams alongside our closest friends the last three years has been something really special. TJ, you have been so dedicated to your teammates and coaches but most importantly to yourself all these years and it's inspired me more than you will probably ever know. You've always challenged yourself to be the hardest worker on the field at each game. I know a lot of siblings don't really get along, and we have definitely had our fair share of fights.... but all that aside, I can really truly say that you are one of my best friends and I am so proud of all you've accomplished. I can't wait to see what school is lucky enough to have you for next year."

Tyler doesn't have to say a word. Instead he gets up from his seat and gives Payton a huge bear hug.

It's at that moment that my heart swells a little in my chest. I know exactly how Payton is feeling right now. It's the same way I feel about my brothers. Even though Charlie, Lucas and Tuck drove me crazy at times growing up, there is still nothing like a brother and sisters bond. It's an intangible kind of love that overcomes all obstacles and lasts for your whole life. No matter what I go through, I know I have my brothers on my side, rooting me on.

I scan the room and look at each of my friends. This group has turned into my new, chosen family since moving here. They each have helped fill the void I didn't realize I had from not having my three older brothers around. I've had the pleasure of having some of the best times of my life with this crew, even in such a short time of knowing each other. I've also faced some of my darker days more recently, but these people beside me have all remained constant beacons of light in my life which is ultimately what carried me through. I've felt truly loved and seen by these people that sit before me and it's a blessing I don't take for granted. I'm honored to try and return the favor by supporting these boys through one of their tougher days.

"Well I don't really know how to top that little speech." Kelly breaks the silence and wipes at her eyes. "But Chase is right. You all had an amazing season, there's not reason to mope around. We need something to lighten the mood. How about we play a game?" Kelly asks from her spot in Chase's lap.

"Just as long as it's not poker." Tyler's joke meets my gaze when he parts from Payton's embrace. The dimple on his left cheek is peeking out and I know he's teasing me.

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