2.) "She's mine"

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Alessandro's POV

"Se non me lo consegni entro venti ore, ti taglierò la testa e manderò il corpo a tutta la tua famiglia"  I yelled into the phone before slamming it on my desk. (If you don't deliver it to me within twenty four hours I will chop off your head and send the body to your entire family.)

I ran my fingers through my hair. I hate dealing with stupid people. There are only few people out there who actually have the guts to speak to me, so I normally have my right hand man James speak to them. 

Speaking of him, I am supposed to be meeting him at this new cafe he found in town. I walk out of my office going strait to my room to get ready.

I changed out of my sweatpants because I figure it would not be appropriate to go into public with them on considering who I am.

I changed out of my sweatpants because I figure it would not be appropriate to go into public with them on considering who I am

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Alessandro's outfit^^^

Once I was changed I went to my garage and got the keys to my black Tesla.

When I got to the restaurant I see James already there, so I went in and took a seat in front of him

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When I got to the restaurant I see James already there, so I went in and took a seat in front of him.

"Hey bro I ordered you a beer." he said as soon as I sat down. "Thanks man." I replied.

He was about to say something when I shut him up because I heard someone singing. When I looked back I was shocked at what I saw. 

There stood the most beautiful women I had ever seen, she wore no makeup and here long brown hair trailed down her back to the top of her ass. But when I noticed she was not the one singing, I looked down only to be hit with another shock. There was a little girl who looked to be about three years old, and looked exactly like the beauty right beside her. She was singing while skipping and holding on to the women's hand. The women had a smile on her face while she looked at the little girl in awe.

I don't know what happened but in that moment I felt the need to protect them. My PRINCESS and my ANGEL.

MINE, MINE....that is all that was going through my head at the moment.

My princess sat my angel down at a table right beside the counter. She walked behind the counter and came back with something in her hand, she set it on the table in front of the little girl. My angel looked at it and burst into tears. Seeing that happen did something to me, and whatever it did to me I did not like the feeling. I almost got up and walked over there to pick her up and whisper sweet things to her until she calmed down.

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