35 Thank You

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*warning: this chapter is all smut*

Chapter 35


I'm having the best day. Too many amazing things have happened.

1. Nailed a meeting I wasn't even ready for.
2. Defended Lucas and gave a scary man a piece of my mind.
3. Got freaking flowers from Lucas!

I feel like I've grown wings. Grown a few inches taller. My head is held higher. There's a bounce to my step. A smile that won't wipe off. I want to squeal and dance.

And it gets better. Lucas is taking me to dinner after work to thank me for saving the day. He's beating himself up for missing the meeting.

"It's okay, we all forget things sometimes." I tell him with a smile. We're at an Italian restaurant, having pasta and pizza. Best comfort food when you're on your period.

"I know." He sighs, his broad shoulders slump a little. It's crazy how much space he occupies. He makes everything look smaller. A beast among us mortals.

He shakes his head and lifts his tired, chestnut eyes on me. Something about the way I'm staring makes him narrow his eyes with contained amusement.

"What?" I grin.

His lips pull up into a slow, dimpled smile. He chuckles and rolls his eyes. Fuck, it's so hot.

"What?" I whine.

"Nothing." His deep voice drips, he looks down at his plate. He bites his lower lip and seems to be thinking about something.

"Are you having dirty thoughts about me?"

He barks a laugh. "Yeah. That's exactly what I'm thinking."

"Want to go to the bathroom?" I ask seductively.

His eyes widen. "No!"

"Why not?" I shrug.

He chuckles in disbelief. "Crazy girl..."

I tilt my head and roam my eyes over him. Long arms resting on the table. Hands slightly folded. Fingers relaxed. I look under the table at his legs.

"What are you doing?" He asks, an edge of discomfort in his voice.

"What would you do if I climbed on your lap right now?"

"I would push you off and call for help."

I chuckle. "No one would save you."

"I'd still try. I would scream and make a scene."

I shake my head with a sly grin. "I rather make you scream in a different context."

"Oh, sure." He scoffs sarcastically.

"Not a fan of public affection?" I rest my hands under my elbows, full attention on him.

"No." He mirrors my body language. "No one needs to know my business."

"Who cares? You don't know these people." I scowl, challenging him. "What happened to your motto of not giving a shit?"

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