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"You okay?" I ask. We've been sitting on the floor for five to ten minutes. I'm wondering what Fiona and the guys are up to. Hopefully not looking. That'd be awkward.

Lucas grunts. He hasn't said much, which is okay. At least he's not pushing me away. I can't imagine what he must be going through.

"I'm okay too. Smashed my body like freaking Hercules. Arnold Schwarzenegger's got nothing on these gains. All the doors are scared. I'm officially their pimp."

No appreciation from moody patootie.

"I'm sorry..." He murmurs, forehead still on my shoulder. I try to lift his giant head, but he refuses. What a baby.

With a mighty grunt and two hands, I force him to look up. My heart melts a bit as I'm greeted by a grumpy, broody Lucas.

"Hey, pretty." I smile and he rolls his eyes. "If you're that sorry, you know what you can do?"


"Give me a thousand orgasms. In different locations. Public places, I have a thing for bathrooms, to be honest? But I also wouldn't mind a park. Maybe a hiking place. We could try... a museum. Actually no. That's too risky. Oh! A beach! At night. That'd be nice."

"Are you serious." He deadpans. "That's what you're thinking right now?"

"Uh, yeah. Have you see your face? It's very... um, how do I say this... sittable."

He scoffs with a ghost of a smile. My magic is working.

"Ridable. Grindable. Don't know if that's a word, but we'll go with it anyway."

Lucas yanks my waist towards him, knocking the air out of my lungs. "Shut up."

I rub my face against his neck. "But in all seriousness, Lucas... your mom and the boys are waiting outside with very delicious food."

"What?" He slowly pulls back. "They're here?"

"You didn't know?" I'm just as confused as he shakes his head. "They're here to have dinner with you."

Pain paints his face and I bite my lip, continuing. "It would mean a lot to them... especially your mom."

Before he can argue, I get off of him and step back. He rests his forearms on his bent knees, staring into nothing with some inner turmoil.

"I'm going to go get them, okay?" I say softly, walking out when he doesn't respond. I wave them over and they slowly come in.

"Baby, you okay?" Fiona asks and he just nods.

"Hey, man." Lev's deep voice rumbles in the space. Kai gently smiles. Ashton just stares.

"Where should we set up?" I ask Fiona, eyeing the bags in her hands.

"Oh...uh... " She approaches a center table with six chairs and sets the bags. "This will do."

Lucas doesn't give anything away. The addiction to please people eats me inside.

"Lights! Do we have maybe candles we can light?" I look at Lucas who gestures to the cabinets behind the bar. I scurry and rummage until I find a set and place them on the table.

Warm glows flicker in the blue night. Fiona takes out a container of pasta, a charcuterie board, garlic bread, various cheeses and vegetables. Even a bottle of red wine.

I reach for Lucas, but he shakes his head. Ashton Lev, and Kai linger behind their chairs.

"Sit, sit. Go ahead, guys." Fiona puts a little bit of everything in everyone's plate. "It's still warm, don't let it go to waste." She looks at us. "Layla, come on, guys. Come sit."

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