39| Brothers?

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The moment my fist connected with her nose, she stumbled back, clutching her nose.

My fist was poised to strike again just in case, but the only sound that filled the entire room was her whining.

Blood was running down her nose, and some of it was also on my knuckles.

That's when I realised I'd broken her nose.

Matthew is going to be so proud.

I looked up at Lucca, and his eyes were just as wide as saucers and his mouth was agape, as he stood there staring at now bloody Sara.

The rest of the group looked equally stunned except Charlotte who started jumping in Nathan's arms excitedly and Marco who was cheering for me.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU BROKE MY NOSE. I WILL SUE YOU." Sara's screeching voice pierced my ears.

"I punched you once, and I won't hesitate to punch you again. You've already got a broken nose, why do you want me to break something else too?" I sighed genuinely concerned.

Or maybe not as concerned, simply curious

Just as she was about to say something, a group of people; two girls and three guys approached us.

The girls helped Sara up, while continuing to glare at me, and one of the guys sneered, as he took a step forward towards me.

"How dare you hurt my girlfriend you bitch." He said, while raising his fist, ready to strike me.

"I wouldn't do it If I were you." Lucca said, holding the other guy's fist mid-air.

I have never loved my brother more than I do right now, at this moment.

He was now standing in front of me, Nathan and Marco also came to stand on either side of him, forming a sort of a barrier between me and that guy.

Elena, Charlotte and Emilia came and stood next to me, and Charlotte appeared to be ready to pounce if anything went wrong.

"What now there are like three bitches coming to save this damsel in distress, she's probably a good fuck." The guy snarled with a disgusting grin on his face, causing me to gasp while Lucca took a threatening step forwards.

"If you talk about my sister like that one more fucking time, then I promise you that you won't have a tongue or teeth left to display." Lucca sneered angrily, causing the guy's eyes to widen before returning back to glaring.

"Stay the fuck out of it, or I will beat the crap out of all of you, and believe me when I say you have no chance against me, because the entire football team is behind me." The guy said, clenching and unclenching his fist, which caused Lucca to laugh loudly.

My brother's the captain of the team dimwit–

"You-u will beat-t the crap outta me." Lucca said in between his laugh, which made me and the rest of the gang laugh as well.

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