50| Before Kidnapping

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"You look like shit." Dante said as he approached me.

I stood outside the lab in the hospital's basement where Max, Enzo, and Santiago were working after they told us about the rare component.

Elijah and Vincenzo were attempting to find the component through the illegal black market.

They were also exhausting all of our contacts for any possible source of assistance.

I was smoking a cigarette, and enjoying the slight burn it gave to my finger as I took in a big puff.

"And yet your face makes me look like a god." I muttered sarcastically causing him to roll his eyes as he took out his own cigarette.

Santiago has been a huge help in finding the type of poison, but we still haven't got the antidote ready.

I remembered him from my childhood.

He used to be a member of our mafia, one of the most important men who helped create a lot of clinical weapons for our Mafias, even Clara was a member of our organisation, and she was said to be one of the best assassins we ever had.

But then they decided to leave, when their first child; their daughter was born. They wanted to give her a safe life away from all the illegal chaos.

And I don't blame him, any father would prioritise safety their children's safety over anything.

But leaving the Mafia wasn't something we were granted with, it was our family heritage, and the only way out was death.

Leaving wasn't something that was taken very lightly or fondly in the Mafia, but grandpa was the most supportive of him, assisting him with moving and removing any trace of his involvement with the Mafia.

Anyways, he was working with my brothers, attempting to make something that will slow down the spreading till they can get the component or they can at least find an alternative.

Dante and I  stood there quietly waiting for any news from the guys in the lab.

Not once in my life I've felt this lost.

I had no idea what would happen, and I was pretty sure that we all felt the same way.

My mind recalled the memories I've had with grandpa.

The first time I shot a gun, my first time I killed, the time I became the don—he was always there standing beside me with a proud smile.

I still go to him for advice.

He's the smartest person I've ever met, and if I could be half as good as him, I'd consider myself fortunate. Every memory I have of him has a significant presence in my life.

I looked up to see Ben rushing towards us, his heavy footsteps echoing in the now-empty corridor.

"Hey man, I'm sorry to hear about what happened, I came as soon as I heard. Do you have any idea who did it?" Ben asked, looking worried.

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