44| Brothers on Sale

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"Urgh" I groaned, annoyed as I plopped down on the heap of clothes that were scattered around in my now messy closet.

Why is finding decent clothing so difficult?

I just want to stay in my cosy hoodie and comfortable sweatpants for the rest of my life.

"All right, just relax woman, why fear when Charlotte is here." I heard Charlotte's voice from my Macbook that was placed on my couch, with all my friends connected on a video call.

"You're the one who hasn't liked a single thing so far." Elena grumbled frustratedly while glaring at the screen, making me do the same.

"What??! I just want her to look perfectly stunning on her first date." Charlotte said dramatically.

"IT IS NOT A DATE." Lucca and I both yelled at the same time, causing everyone else to chuckle.

Lucca was sitting on the couch glaring at the laptop, while I was staring at the screen in disbelief.

Oh, if you're wondering how Lucca knows about Aaron, well it's because I told him and Kyson about everything that happened in the mall, in the english class, why I left, my ever so puzzling feelings about Aaron and also what happened on the roof with that stranger; both times.

Kyson and Lucca came to my room last night after dinner and demanded that I tell them the whole truth, and once I started, I told them everything.

Both of them listened patiently and told me to be careful with occasionally hurling threats and curses at Aaron and the mystery guy.

But I guess I'm glad that they didn't make a fuss about this because I know, the rest of my brothers would have.

My bond with Kyson was different from the rest of my brothers because I felt like I could share everything with him without having to worry about him being irrational or judgemental towards me.

It didn't mean he wasn't protective, in fact, he made it clear that he would kill any of the guys who even thought of hurting me, but he was empathetic for the most part.

And with Lucca, well let's just say he's more of my best friend than my brother. So I really don't feel the need to keep any secrets from him.

And as for my friends I told them about my project with Aaron and that I was going to his house today, and ever since then they have been teasing me much to my dismay.

Now back to the present.

"I don't understand why you even have to put in the effort to get all ready, you are going there to study." Lucca said as he expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation, while shaking his head.

"He is her future boyfriend, she has to look good." Marco joked and my friends nodded their heads to agree with him, clearly messing with Lucca.

"For his own sake, he better not make any move on my sister." Lucca remarked, earning a glare from me.

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