43| Sniper?

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We spent the next 20 minutes in silence.

The atmosphere in the car was extremely tense and the entire ride back home was a rollercoaster of emotions, wildly volatile.

Mason's usual angry temperament had been replaced by fearfulness.

It was obvious from the way he was behaving, lowered eyebrows and squinting eyes looking in a rear-view mirror every other second then back at me to make sure I was still there.

Not just Mason, but I can feel everyone's fear and discomfort rolling off of them in waves, along with a raw power of anger.

I was fidgeting in my seat, curious as to what was going on, but I was too shaken to question.

The moment we entered the gates of our estate, I could almost hear everyone sigh in relief.

After parking the car, we made our way inside the house with my brothers still walking closely around me with stiff shoulders.

As we entered I noticed everyone in the living room, some of them were pacing around, some on their phones shouting at the caller on the other end, some massaging their temples, some were running frantic hands through their hair, and some with their fists clenched glaring at the wall.

Dad was staring at a wall with his lips pressed in a thin line, Grandpa was sitting on the couch smoking cigars, but his entire presence screamed rage, and the ladies were trying to calm everyone down, but themselves looking stressed.

The entire room was filled with a whirlwind of all sorts of emotions.

Just as they realised we entered, I was instantly embraced in safety in the arms of my father and older brothers.

As they let me go, I quickly went to my now red eyed grandmother, who looked like she had been crying.

She quickly returned my embrace and wrapped her arms around me, refusing to let me go even when grandpa asked her to let me take a breath.

"Grandma, why have you been crying?" I asked but she didn't reply and just hugged me tighter.

I looked around questioningly.

Majority of my brothers were talking among themselves while the one who was staring at grandma and me looked grim.

I sighed and brought my grandma to a seat on the couch, she was clutching my hand with both of hers, as if she was afraid of letting me go.

"Okay, can somebody please explain to me what's happening? Why did we leave the school in such a hurry? Why were all of my brothers distressed the whole ride back home? Why did I come home to find everyone looking as if they'd been robbed of all their money?" I asked, catching everyone's attention.

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