(24) HoloGrave

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Aki: .......

Mori: .......

Aki: ....Calli....explain to me why we're on the boat that leads to the underworld again.

Mori: Oh! I killed you in your sleep so you could accompany me. The students really like you and want to see you again.

Aki: ....I'm fine with that. But! Did you HAVE to kill me?

Mori: Yeaaaaahhh. I had to. It's the only way.

Aki: How did you kill me anyway?

Mori: Oh! I sliced you up Tohno Shiki style.

Aki: .....

I look at my body. There are no cuts but my clothes are covered in blood.

Aki: You didn't leave the body did you? I'm worried the others will come in my room and all they'll see is a scene from Umineko.

Mori: Ah don't worry about that. The body you have now is the body from the real world.

Aki: ......I'm too tired to be pissed about this.

King Hassan: ...hoh. So thou hast returned Human.

King Hassan was riding a kiddy float while drinking from a coconut.

Aki: ah...hey gramps...

Mori: yo!

King Hassan: You're in luck. Death-Sensei is in town. Make haste. The evening bells toll-

His voice gets distant as he disappears in the fog.

Aki: *yawn* .....Why am I so tired?

Mori: well...you are dead so I guess it's a side effect?

Aki: death has side effects?

Mori: *Blush* w...well if you're really tired...wanna rest your head on my lap?

Aki: ....That sounds nice. Do you mind?

Mori: wha- *Blush* I thought you were gonna call me BakaGami again! I-I mean...I...don't mind I guess.

I rest my head on Calli's lap.

Aki: ....ah....warm...just like...........mom........


Ah...he fell asleep...

I poke his cheek.

Aki: Ah...damn you Adachi....

Mori: .......

.....Why is he THIS cute.....

Aki: ....

I poke his cheek again.

Aki: ngg~

Mori: ......


Aki: uuu~

Mori: ........

Poke Poke.

Aki: guh~

Mori: .......Yabe. This is addicting.

???: ...what are you doing you twit?

Mori: Wha!? Death sensei!?

When did he get on the boat!?

Death: hmmm....so this is the human who you fell in love with eh? Not bad. Not bad at all.

Mori: Yeah. Isn't he the greatest?

Death: so, is he capable of defeating me?

Mori: Eh?

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