(68) HoloRat (Part 2)

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Baelz: Come on Aki! Let's play this one next!!!

She grabs my hand and drags me to another game.

BoyA: Damn! How dare these Fucking normies step inside our sacred ground!? Onoré!!!

BoyB: Die normies!

BoyC: Nature doesn't love you!

SigmaC: humu~ It seems you have changed...my son.

BoyC: Father!?

Man this place is a breeding ground for idiots.

Aki: Baelz! Quit pulling on my hand!

Baelz: come on come on!


Aki: we're playing the next Final Fight?

Baelz: Yeah might as well!

well...the final fight games are pretty short, so If Baelz keeps carrying me to victory it might be fun...but...

damn...I'm running out of change (//=v=) and there's no ATM nearby. Luckily Baelz pays for herself but...if we're gonna play the entire Final fight series....oouuuughh...I'll have barely enough for the train...

I put in a hundred yen.

Baelz: Hmm..I haven't actually completed Final Fight II yet...humu...I wonder what the final boss looks like.

Waaait...she hasn't finished final fight II? Then....does that mean....she can't carry me!? (///=v=) ....Will I have enough for the train!?


Baelz: Wow...That boss was a disappointment.

Aki: Pheeewwww! I still have enough...

Baelz: hm? Enough what?

Aki: On to the next one!

We go over to the next Final Fig-

Aki: ah..wait...there's 2 kids playing on it. Let's not bother them...

....wait a sec...Those kids kinda look familiar....

Those kids kinda look familiar

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Have I seen them before? Hmm...bah...whatever...

Aki: How about we play something else Baelz?

Baelz: hmm...How about that?

She points at Fate/Gra-

Aki: N O.

Baelz: Eh? Why not?

Aki: Because that right there? Was a mistake. If I put a single yen in that machine, Suzuka santa gyaru will never come to mobile.

Is there anything else we could play?

I look around.

Aki: How about that one?

Baelz: Splatterhouse co-op? They made a co-op version of splatterhouse!?

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