ENTRY 6 - updates!!

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Dearest Diary, ♪

I'm so sorry for my lack of updates~! Aha,, Must've been cruel to leave you all on such an odd entry..!

Well, to shortly update you all - Ouma is well! He's still so cute and just as sweet as usual. I can't wait for the day he proposes to me.. ♡ God.. the thought of him makes my mind numb in delight,, Ah. I'm drooling again.

We're such a perfect pair! I think we're truly soulmates. ... Have I talked to him yet ,,? Ahaha.. Well, no but— but he liked my letter! That means something, right? Well.. Y-Yeah, it was anonymous just— shut up.

Anywaaays.. Got any questions on whatever else is going on in my life? I'd be happy to answer!


The Future Mr. Ouma

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