ENTRY 8 - kaito momota

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Dear Diary,

I've finally done it. It's over for that fuckface.

I've caught him.

I always found it strange. Y'know? ♪ How Kaito Momota has always been so.. homophobic? He's always been so defensive and easily irritated when it comes to his own sexuality and so cruel to any sort of gay student in school.

Yet, I caught him.

Kaito Momota's usual hang out spot is the out of order boys bathroom in D-Hall. He goes there, smokes, occasionally brings a friend - like that ugly bitch, Kaede, and that stupid whore, Amami.

When I went over there during lunch break, I found something.. Something shocking. With this, I can blackmail him - yeah? All I need to do is carry this one piece of information over his head.. Then Ouma is all mine.

You want to know, yeah?

You really want to know ~ ?

.. Well, since you were all oh-so sweet to me..

Kaito Momota had his hands all over a certain someone. A certain.. slut. Someone I know would easily admit to it - if given a few extra bucks..

Can you guess who? Ehe ~.


Shuichi Saihara

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