ENTRY 3 - Letter

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Deaaaar Diaaaarrryyyyyy...!!!

Hehehe ~ ..!! I gave it! I gave it to him..! Or, well, slipped it in Ouma-Kun's locker,,

Here's a copy I made for myself!!

Dear Ouma,

Roses are red, strangled corpses go blue, I'm your secret admirer, and I think I love you.

Ehehe~, was that cheesy? Did you like it? I hope you did. I'm a little too nervous to approach you myself but.. I'm in love with you, Kokichi Ouma. I truly believe we're soul mates..! I love you so much, but I'm absolutely TERRIFIED to tell you.

Ohh,, what if you reject me? Isn't that such a scary thought? After all, I absolutely adore you. We're definitely soul mates..! I'd take really good care of you too. I promise!

We're perfect for each other. You even like Danganronpa, just like me!! We're both disgusting freaks..!

Won't you love me too?


Your Secret Admirer.

Hehe~..!! Isn't that adorable?? Love is such a beautiful feeling,,!

I'll update you all with his reaction later!


Shuichi Saihara

My Diary..  || PG SaiharaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ