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Hiya Diary !

Things have been so so so so odd lately..! Like, all of a sudden .. Ahah .. Things for someone as disgusting as me ..

Are going pleasantly well ! I don't understand why, but still !!

It all started when I dropped my pencil during class ~ .. ♡

Oh, Ouma.. He's so cute. He picked up my pencil for me. Isn't that sweet of him? So so sweet .. Ahh ,, I've had to use gloves while handling it now.

I-I can't CONTAMINATE it..!! He touched it .. He touched it .. Ahahahaha. You can .. only imagine what someone as filthy as me would do with it ~ ..

Ahahaha !! Anyways, that isn't even the best part!

I received a love letter !!! That's right, me !!!

No meetup in it and it was anonymous, but .. Ahahahaha. ♡ I'm so happy.


I may not talk to you that much, but I really like you.
I think you're really sweet and cute and .. a bit odd but ..
We're a lot alike, aren't we?
I'd do anything to have you in my arms.
I'd do anything to have you to myself.
Dead or alive. I'd keep you forever.

I love you,


WASN'T IT ROMANTIC ?! SO ADORABLE AND SWEET ..!! Ah, maybe Ouma wrote it—!
Ahahaha, but he wouldn't do something like that for me..

.. Would he? ♡

, Shuichi Saihara

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