No Greater Love

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Jade's POV

November 2, 2013

The other day Lizzie and I made a call to the venue we wanted to get married at. We may have used her celebrity status to get it on short notice. The venue was An Affair By the Lake in Addison, Vermont. In the fall Vermont was absolutely beautiful.

The venue promised to not leak who was getting married that day. Both Lizzie and I were currently laying in bed of our hotel room. Today was dress and suit shopping. Which means we would spend the day apart. We didn't want to get out of bed to start the day apart.

"Theme? Since what ever the theme is, my suit tuxedo needs to match." I ask rolling onto my side to look at Lizzie. Lizzie rolls over to look at me with a soft smile on her face. "We are really doing this aren't we?"

"We really are baby." I whisper which just makes her smile grow as she quickly leans over pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "Since we are in New England and it's the fall, I was thinking we go along with the fall colors and have a burgundy and maroon color theme. We can have a cadmium blue color theme back in LA. Deal?" "Deal."

Maroon and burgundy were my favorite colors. My phone starts going off It's My Life was playing. "Jade don't let your mom go to voicemail." Lizzie states taking my phone off the charger answering it. "Mama Viki." She smiles. I don't hear my moms response as Lizzie heads off the bed and into the bathroom still on the phone with my mom. I sit up waiting for her to come back into the room. When Lizzie finally does come back into the room she's no longer on the phone. "Nicole is at your parents house asking why she was needed for a secret wedding when she had no idea you were dating someone."

I groan falling back onto the bed. "I haven't told her about us. She's a very big blabber mouth. I couldn't risk it."

I feel Lizzie crawl onto the bed next to me. "She's your best friend. Clay knows. Ryan your childhood best friend knows, for god sakes Shay knows."

I sit up to look at Lizzie, "that's because Clay can keep a secret. And Ryan doesn't have social media where he can accidently let it slip in a comment on a post about you. Because when Marvel posted that you would be in the next movie, there were a lot of comments. A lot asking if you were dating the guy from Very Good Girls still."

"Boyd? I was never dating him. I've always been dating you." Lizzie shakes her head.

"Yeah but your fans think you dated him. The last thing we both needed was to have Nic let it slip that you weren't ever dating Boyd. When she gets overly excited she can ramble and possibly let something slip. It makes your fans look more towards us before you are ready for them to know."

"Okay good point. Now, Trent will be here in an hour to bring me to the dress store to look for a wedding dress. I'd give Nicole and your dad about 10 minutes to get here for you to go find your tux. Ryan is meeting you there and Shay will be here in time for the week of the wedding. Who's in your wedding party?"

"Mikayla, Shay, Nicole, Cass, and Ryan. That will be my wedding party when we have our big wedding too. Then we have Danielle being ring barer and Avery as flower girl."

Lizzie nods smiling softly. "Mine is Ashley, Mary-Kate, Clay, Court (Taylor, I don't remember what name her younger sister goes by), Dakota, and Trent will walk me down the isle unless my father ever decides to apologize to us about calling this a phase and an experiment." She pushes me out of the bed when she finishes her wedding party.

I groan out "why...?" when my body hits the ground. I whine rolling over so I was now laying on my back looking at the ceiling.

"Because your dad, sister, and best friend will be here in a few minutes and you still need to get dressed." Lizzie shakes her head, "stop being lazy and get up."

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