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"Kiss me..." Scout breaths, pleading. So quiet he wasn't sure if he'd actually said it. The boys thick eyelashes flutter and he looks up to meet the Snipers stare. Scouts eyes are glassy like a deep lake in the winter. Snipers expression is racked by years of loneliness and his eyes are hungry. Theres a dark desire there and his gaze is transfixed.

Sniper cups the boys face in a calloused hand and gently runs a thumb across his cheek. He watches the skin flush bright pink beneath his touch.

Scout suddenly flings his arms around Snipers neck and on tippy-toes kisses him. The man grunts in surprise, his eyes wide and a deep blush across his face. Scout takes a moment to take in his expression. He takes a photo in his mind and tucks it away for later. Sniper always seemed so somber and brooding, so to see him like this was priceless and the fact that the boy was the cause, even more so. Scout rolls his lips over Snipers, his heart in his throat. He inhales through his nose and feeling more in control of him self, breaks the kiss. With his arms still around the man's neck he confronts him with sultry eyes.

Sniper moves his hand to the back of Scouts head and runs it through his damp hair. He has composed himself more now and his gaze is transfixed on the boy. 

"Scout." He directs all his emotion into it. Just saying the word reins in his scattered and frantic thoughts. He uses it as a focus point of all his turmoil and chaos. It clears his head and he's filled with an emotion so powerful it seizes him. 

He pulls gently at Scouts hair to try and break the embrace. Theres a miss-understanding and Scout takes the gesture as eagerness. He closes the distance between their lips. Scout can feel Snipers stubble scratch his face and he tastes cigarettes second hand. The way the man smells brings back such a strong memory of their first kiss. Everything about his scent was intoxicating. He looses himself to the memory of their kiss at the bar. Sniper moans softly as Scouts lips roll over his own. He places a hand on Scouts chest and pushes him down.

"Mate I don't think we should." He says in a shaky voice taking one of Scouts slim wrists from his shoulders.

"Whats in your pants disagrees..." Scout says pouting. Theres a devious twinkle to his eyes.

It takes him a moment to understand. Snipers eye brows shoot up and a hot pink blush breaks out across his face.

"Shit..." With a free hand Sniper gropes at his crouch in disbelief. He lets go of the boys wrist. Scout watches with hungry eyes as Sniper undoes his belt and tucks his boner up under the waist line of his pants. The boy is disappointed though as Sniper goes to do up his belt again.

"We just... I just... We shouldn't." He stammers flustered.

Scout closes the distance between them and places a hand over the belt buckle stopping him.

"Let me..." He whispers. Sniper wasn't listening though.

"We work together... an'' I don't wanna jeopardise our work-life relationship or nothin'." He says and then thinks quietly. "...and then theres that." The Spy's face flashes across his mind. "...Best for all of us if rumours aren't true...Now that I think about it..." Sniper glanced down at Scout "... he might be the only one who doesn't know..."

"Fuck it." Scout spits.

The boys tone snaps Sniper back and he watches as Scout gets to his knees. Snipers stomach flips and he's no loner too sure of anything. It's dark now and what Sniper can see of Scouts face is illuminated buy the street light out side...

"The window!" Sniper blurts out in a panic.

"Oh yeah." Scout says unfazed. The Aussie stretches out a hand and pulls Scout to his feet.

The Beat Of Birds Wings - TF2 (Sniper x Scout)Where stories live. Discover now