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yo yo just want to say that this chapter has a trigger warning. I feel like I went a little overboard on the swearing and offensive language in this chapter, theres also a lot of violence so if that stuff upsets you then reader discretion is advised. Also this chapter is sooo long so I got a bit lazy editing it, shout at me if theres a mistake somewhere. I ALSO FEEL THAT THIS CHAPTERS A BIT STALE AND DEAD SO LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK AND I'M HAPPY TO EDIT IT PLEASE GOD


Sniper wakes from a shifty sleep. When he comes too he can feel the press of Scouts embrace. Lying in bed he gradually takes in his surroundings. Dim light slips in through gaps in the curtains to his left. It was morning but only just. His mouth is dry and his throat is raw. It's October and getting warmer earlier and earlier in the morning. He peels himself from Scouts clammy embrace. Sitting he and runs a hand through his messy hair and notices a damp patch on his shoulder from the boy drooling on him. He looks down at Scouts peacefully sleeping face. 

He takes a moment to recall the previous nights events but it's the sex he remembers vividly. He becomes aware of the hardness between his legs and the thought of jerking off quickly before Scout wakes crosses his mind. Snipers stomach flips and feels for a first a steadily growing pit of unease. He shakes his head. He makes himself sick. Scout was just a kid, twenty-one or not he was a kid to Sniper. 

"Can't even pretend I was dreamin'..."  Sniper thinks, knowing that the worst part was that there was absolutely no question about it. They'd fucked. Sniper closes his eyes and an image of Scouts wanton figure spread out before him. He grinds is teeth as heat rises to his cheeks. 

"Yeah, that definitely happened." Sniper murmurs out loud. "Problem is, what do I do now?" Sniper stands and walks in the half dark to the bathroom. Pissing with a boner is a pain in the ass. When he's done his washes his hands and face loosing himself for a moment in the sound of running water. 

"What have I done? Will things ever go back to normal?" he finds himself thinking, but he knew deep down it would never be the same. "God I'm selfish, I wonder what this'll do to Scout... Nothin' good I s'pose." he turns off the taps tight and makes the mistake of glancing at him self in the mirror. 

"I look like shit." He mutters staring at his blood shot eyes. He remembers they're little conversation the night before by the sink where he stood now. He subconsciously rubs the scar across his wrist. He was uncomfortable with the amount he'd shared with Scout. 

"It's unprofessional and if I don't stop things are gonna' get out of hand quickly."  He thinks. He runs a hand through his hair and rubs at his dry eyes. He pushes the thought from his mind and lets his head fill up with plans for leaving. He rolls on some deodorant and feeling unusually restless he heads to the kitchen and fills the kettle. It wasn't just this new relationship with Scout that was making him uneasy it was something els and he can't seem to put his finger on it. Sniper just wants to get on the road and get some miles under his belt. Rubbing his eyes he glances towards the bed to see if the sound of the kettle had woken up Scout. It hadn't. 

Sniper checks his watch, six fifteen, "Lets try get packed, get the van cleaned and be out of here in the next twenty minutes. I'm gonna give the kid 'till I make a coffee before I wake him up." He thinks and begins to run though a mental check list as he adds ground coffee to the plunger, he adds the boiling water and lets it brew. 

Sniper does a lap of the motel room and grabs the stuff that was left strewn everywhere and scrunches it all into the duffle bag he brought with him. He grabs his hat and puts it on and slips his sunnies over the neck hole of his singlet. He picks up his vest from the floor and pauses, his mouth in a firm line, before putting it on too. He dumps the bag by the door and slides on a pair of flip flops. 

The Beat Of Birds Wings - TF2 (Sniper x Scout)Where stories live. Discover now