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Son, eh?

There's a pang of something strong, it starts as anger and then boils down to something that he can't place.

 He turns to the shelf behind him, away from the counter so they can't see his face. He's looking now, for nothing in particular, but hoping that they'd soon ignore him. He hear's their conversation start back up. He zones out to the sound of Snipers small talk.

"Yeah not bad mate, not bad... Heading out west to visit folks on my side." "What? Oh yeah, me old man an that... Yeah, yeah before the end of the year rush..." "...My job?.."

Scout tenses at that.

"Retail, a computer store... Hah hah, yeah mate, yeah."

Scout rolls his eyes and slips a packet of gum and some shampoo into his sleeve. He hated the stuff Sniper uses.

"Do you want smokes with that?" Scout hears the cashier ask. He turns and glances at the counter where Sniper was wrapping it up. Thank God.

"See you in the van." He says and leaves quickly.

Sniper pays the cashier and leaves a twenty dollar bill on the counter.

"whats this for?" the cashier asks.

"Tip?" Sniper says and shrugs.

Scout hears the door open as he blows a bright pink bubble.

"Here, hold this for me." Sniper says passing him a six pack. He pretends he didn't notice the chewing gum and jumps into the van slamming the door. Scout puts the beer by his feet. The engine rumbles to life and they head back onto the main road. Scout tucks his knees up to his chest and looks out the window.

"We're on time, early even. Gonna reach the motel in about twenty minutes or so and then no more driving until tomorrow huh, how about it?" Sniper says optimistically. The idea of getting out of the van and out of Scouts mood lifted his spirits slightly.

"Oh and Scout..."

Scout froze.

"Try not to steal anything more while where there. It doesn't sit well with me." Sniper said as gently as he could. Scout turns his head sharply and glares at Sniper.

" Wadda' mean? You're a Goddamn merc, you fuckin' kill people for a living and you saying stealing doesn't sit well with you." there's venom in Scouts voice.

Sniper grinds his teeth.Not gentle enough, he thinks. He makes a hasty lane change.

"Yeah Scout we're mercs not fuckin thieves." He sprays the windscreen and sets the wipers to clean it and sighs. "I know It's been hard for you-"

"What? To not steal?" Scout cuts in.

Sniper waits for him to finish.

"No. I didn't mean that." He says trying not to let the irritation slip into his voice. "I mean I know It's hard for you to be out here. No one's told you why or whats happening. I can see It's hurt you. But believe me it's not cos' they don't trust you or nothin', It's just for your best. Nothin' personal. If it makes you feel better I'm not sure either-"

"Oh fuckin' great! you don't even know why were out here?"

"Scout I'm sure Mis Paulin has her reasons-"

"Were fuckin doomed." Scout runs a hand through his hair. "I flew all the way out to the middle of fuckin' no where Australia and we don't even know why I'm here."

The Beat Of Birds Wings - TF2 (Sniper x Scout)Where stories live. Discover now