Chapter 1181-1190

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RHE - Chapter 1181: Pursuit in the Blizzard!

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Chapter 1181: Pursuit in the Blizzard!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr




It was so nearby, success so close at hand, and yet they really had to concede?


As the blizzard intensified and the temperature continued to plunge, the order to retreat finally came from Fadi's struggling face. Rumble! With the order from the Three Titans of Black Radiance, the army immediately began to withdraw to the west.


They've begun to withdraw!

As Wang Chong stood in the blizzard, his eyes closed, he sensed what was going on. He could hear through the howling winds that the Arabs had begun to make much more noise. After struggling for a while, the Arabs had finally put down their ambitions and yielded to this frigid winter that preceded the Little Ice Age.

The strength of Man was simply too weak and insignificant before the might of nature!

The sounds of neighing faded toward the west. Wang Chong silently calculated, but he still did not give the order to attack.

The temperature was still falling, and retreating amidst the darkness and raging snowstorm was far more difficult than the Arabs could imagine.

"It's about ready!"

When the blizzard was at its fiercest and the temperature at its lowest, Wang Chong finally raised his head, looking up at the snow-filled sky.

"We can set out!"


With Wang Chong's order, a group of elite soldiers charged through the blizzard and shot out of the western gate of Khorasan. Splash! Scalding hot water was poured onto the thick layers of ice, and once the ice was thawed, there was a mighty boom as the frozen gates of Khorasan opened once more.

Neeeigh! The soldiers immediately rode out, their horses neighing.

Wang Chong himself rode out of Khorasan like a sharp arrow. Bzzz! As he emerged into the world outside Khorasan, he felt like he was entering a whole new world. Even though Wang Chong had mentally prepared himself, he still couldn't help but shiver in shock.

It was already extremely cold in Khorasan, but only when Wang Chong had the gates opened did he understand just how frozen the world was.

That tributary of the Tigris River had vanished long ago, the surging waters transformed into a thick sheet of ice. Meanwhile, the several feet of snow piled on the ground transformed the world into a white and frigid place. And on the other side of the frozen Tigris River, he could see innumerable figures in the Arab camp, frozen into sculptures of ice.


Suddenly, a cry of alarm came from the Arab camp, shattering the calm. Wang Chong squinted as he quickly regained his composure, his eyes turning sharp. After waiting for so long, it was finally the Great Tang's turn to attack.


The clang of a sword was audible even amidst the howling winds. Riding on the White-hoofed Shadow, Wang Chong held aloft Bahram's golden sword and gave the order.

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