Chapter 1491-1500

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RHE - Chapter 1491: Secret Passage! (II)

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Chapter 1491: Secret Passage! (II)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

After absorbing the power of the Nightmare Beast, Wang Chong's Psychic Energy was now seven to eight times stronger than before. This kind of Psychic Energy was enough for the vast majority of martial artists, including the titans of the martial arts world, to shiver in fear. This Psychic Energy was also how he was able to gather so much information in this underground world.

Wang Chong's Psychic Energy was able to probe one thousand meters. This distance wasn't that far, but it was more than enough to gather information in this underground river.

As Wang Chong swam through the underground river, all kinds of information flowed into his mind.

"How is it?" the Lone Silence Ancestor asked, an expectant look in his eyes. Wang Chong's immense Psychic Energy was no longer a secret to him.

"The ore vein twists and turns through the earth. While the underground river doesn't change very much, the ore vein greatly varies in thickness. Those parts of the ore vein thicker than one hundred meters aren't worth mentioning," Wang Chong thoughtfully said, his expression extremely calm.

The Lone Silence Ancestor nodded. He trusted in Wang Chong's ability and judgment.

"…In addition, boring through the ore vein to get past the barriers and into the back of the palace is normally impossible. However, nothing is absolute. Given that the ore vein varies in thickness and considering how the palace is arranged, as long as the course of the vein isn't completely steady, we should have some opportunities.

"Besides that, while the underground river is very far from the palace within the ore vein, above us is a layer of rock, and only above the rock layer is the ore vein. There are some places where the rock layer is thin and the ore vein is thick, but also places where the rock layer is thick but the ore vein is thin. We can only determine the actual situation through further inspection, and if we find that it's the latter, then we have a chance."

Wang Chong looked up, and even amidst the dark and cold river, his eyes seemed to glimmer with a profound light.

As the Lone Silence Ancestor looked at Wang Chong, he couldn't help but nod in agreement.

He hadn't completely followed Wang Chong's train of thought, but the demeanor Wang Chong exuded was rather infectious. In Wang Chong, he saw an extremely precious vigor, the vigor of a youth that would never give up no matter what danger he faced.

He was like a burning candle, never giving up until the last ray of light had been unleashed. He firmly believed in that last sliver of hope.

Such a sight left the Lone Silence Ancestor feeling rather sentimental.

It was very difficult to find this kind of intensity and sharpness amongst those who had been ground down for too long in the martial arts world.


The two continued to delve deeper into the darkness.

In this period, the ore vein above them shook three more times, each time to the resounding turning of gears and switches. They didn't know for sure what was happening above, but they were certain that the battle was only getting more intense, more and more people dying with each quake.

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