Chapter 1321-1330

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RHE - Chapter 1321: First Buds, the Opening of the Minds of the People! (I)

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Chapter 1321: First Buds, the Opening of the Minds of the People! (I)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

After a momentary daze, Wang Chong came back to his senses, and used a movement technique to head back toward the Wang Family Residence.

The Duke of E Residence guard and the two Ultimate Martial Army soldiers parted ways with Wang Chong, swiftly vanishing into the darkness in another direction.


As he left the forest on the southern edge of the city, Wang Chong felt the chill of the cold winds and immediately became much more clear-headed. A bright moon had appeared in the sky at some point, and as he looked around at the dark and tranquil capital, he suddenly felt like he was dreaming.

Now that he thought about it, everything had been so unreal that Wang Chong even now did not dare to believe that he had met those venerable seniors. Indeed, there was no proof that he had seen them, making him feel even more that this was a dream.

But then he took out the invitation card from his bosom and saw the golden insignia at its lower right corner, and he knew that this had not been an illusion. In addition, in Wang Chong's memories, the only Zhijie that matched with this golden insignia from more than one hundred years ago was that peerless general of Taizong's generation, Cheng Zhijie1.

Suppressing his emotions, Wang Chong once more set off for the Wang Family Residence.


After his meeting with the three venerable seniors who had guided him in his last life, Wang Chong immediately felt much better. As his seniors had said, since he had never sought those things, why did he care about them? Even if the entire world slandered him, there was nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, as the days went on, with certain people urging on the crowd, the criticisms of Wang Chong in the capital intensified. In the restaurants and tea house, more and more storytellers promoted Confucian teachings while criticizing Wang Chong's 'Might Makes Right'. By the end, it became a general trend in the capital to criticize Wang Chong.

But once things had moved to an extreme, they could only begin to move in the opposite direction. While everyone was criticizing every inch of Wang Chong and making him out to be an ambitious schemer, a few people began to develop somewhat different ideas.

"Everyone now knows that the Great Tang only has so many wars because of those ambitious generals who are caught up in their personal desires and are constantly starting battles. These people are truly the disgrace of our Great Tang… and these people all looked to the King of Foreign Lands, Wang Chong!"

A storyteller wearing an azure robe wildly gesticulated as he spoke to a restaurant in the capital.

"That's right!"

The packed crowd below loudly cheered and clapped their hands.

This isn't right! A country should be able to tolerate differing opinions. The King of Foreign Lands might have recruited a private army, and he might have opened the armory without permission, but his words were correct! The Great Tang shouldn't be one-sidedly reducing its armies and placing its hopes on talks with the other countries!

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