Chapter 1481-1490

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Chapter 1481: Layers of Mystery! (II)


Song Yuanyi suddenly stomped down, stirring up a cloud of dust, and then a vast wave of Stellar Energy brimming with vitality burst from his body and blocked the Stellar-Piercing Beetles.

Hisssss! A few moments later, countless green vines sprouted out from Song Yuanyi's Stellar Energy and the rocks beneath his feet, enlarging with astonishing speed and coiling together. The beetles lunged at the vines and began to gnaw at them, but the vines were able to grow faster than they were eaten.

The Immortal Universe Eternal Spring Mantra was the most tenacious and strongest defensive art in the martial arts world. Song Yuanyi had singlehandedly protected the Righteous Alliance group from the attacks of the beetles.

At the same time, another wave of beetles, their wings vibrating, charged at the Black Yin Ancestor and the Five Ancestor Alliance.

"Let me!" the taciturn Myriad Ghost Ancestor suddenly said.

Rumble! The earth quaked as clouds of black mist surged out of the ground, brimming with thick, sinister, and foul energy. Guided by this energy, the mist seemed to have a life of its own and seeped into the bodies of the glowing beetles.

Surprisingly, these Stellar-Piercing Beetles that were practically immune to Stellar Energy, and could even eat it, began to rapidly darken upon contact with the mist.

They began to sway and stagger in the air as if their wings had been broken.

Song Yuanyi and Xie Guangting, the Lord and Vice Lord of the Righteous Alliance, couldn't help but be surprised by this sight, but they quickly understood what was going on.

The Myriad Ghost Ancestor was not using Stellar Energy, but the foul Yin energy that had been naturally formed in the depths of the earth.

The glowing auras of the beetles consisted of extremely fierce Yang energy, the exact opposite of the turbid Yin energy, so they would naturally be affected.

"My Yin energy can't hold them for long! Use this chance and attack them with weapons!" The Myriad Ghost Ancestor's voice resounded in the ears of all the Five Ancestor Alliance disciples.

The beetles were strongly resistant to Stellar Energy, making such attacks useless against them and in fact only making them stronger. However, while these beetles were terrifying, in the Origin Immortal Formation, everyone had realized that their weapons were effective. This was also their only method of dealing with these Stellar-Piercing Beetles.


The clanging of weapons filled the air as the Five Ancestor Alliance experts took out their sabers and swords and rushed at the beetles.

Almost all of the Five Ancestor Alliance experts, whether they were skilled with weapons or not, had a saber or sword on them. It was clear that the Five Ancestor Alliance had made their preparations for this expedition.

Dingdang! The weapons hacking at the beetles sounded like the clash of metal on metal.

It had taken only a few moments for the cave to fall into complete chaos.

At this moment, a buzzing of wings echoed through Wang Chong's ears, and he saw that three beetles the size of a child's arm were flying in a row toward him.

These three beetles caused cold sweat to seep out of his forehead.

In the past, with his ability and a weapon, he would have been completely capable of dealing with these beetles, but now…

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