Chapter 4

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"Madam, are you inside?"

There was a knock on the door followed by Oliviel's voice.

"Come in."

I put down the teacup I was holding after permitting her to come in. Oliviel greeted me first by the door before she approached me.

"What is it?"

Oliviel's visit wasn't a rare occurrence. She was the head maid and the one who helped me the most.

However, for the first time, she had an unknown letter in her hand and I was wondering what is it about.

"Madam, you have a letter from the Palace."

Oliviel said as she handed me the letter. I opened the letter and checked the contents inside.

As Oliviel said, it was indeed a letter from the Palace, rather it was an invitation for a ball to be held at the Palace to celebrate the Emperor's birthday. It even says here that our presence is greatly appreciated.

The recipient of the invitation was the Earl of Theodore. Then perhaps this invitation has reached not only me but also Richard.

"Will Richard go to the ball?"

I asked Oliviel just in case. Oliviel nodded and said yes.

"Yes, the Master will probably attend."

"Is that so?"

I'm surprised. He was so busy every day, holing up in his office. I was wondering why he had time to go to the ball now.

"......Will you not attend, Madam?"

Oliviel carefully asked seeing that my reaction was strange.

I glanced at the invitation with brows knitted and soon shrugged.

"Well, I don't think there are any people I'd like to meet even if I go."

If I attend the ball, I will surely meet Father and Cecilia there.

We didn't separate in a nice way when I left home, nevertheless, I don't want to see them.

But what if they run into me instead?

Will they greet me? What about me? Should I greet them back? Or should I pretend that I didn't notice them?

I thought long and hard but only negative thoughts came to mind.

The ball was a place full of people who might not wish to be acquainted with me.

If I went, I'd be glad if I didn't get to be the laughing stock, but do I really need to go there?

"But Madam, it's your first ball since you got married. Why not take it into consideration?"

Oliviel's voice held concern. It's not that I didn't understand Oliviel's worries, either.

It's just that Richard and I were an incredibly controversial couple. People around would wonder if there's something wrong with us. Even if we were politically married, it was common to hold a wedding.

Besides, don't couples participate in official events together? It was obvious we would become the subject of gossip once we attend. We don't know what kind of rumor comes out from the mouths of those busybodies.

If this was entirely my problem, I wouldn't have paid attention to those who talked behind my back, but this time, not only me were involved but also Richard.

If I don't go to the ball, Richard will even be more subjected to criticism and ridicule.

Oliviel might have wanted me to attend in the light of such circumstances.

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