Chapter 10

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After having his kids yell "team Dadza" at the top of their lungs and the chanting turning into cheering as we all propped into the car we made our way towards the school. roughly 5 minutes into the ride Tommy puts his hands on the seat in front of him, being where I'm sitting and shaking it slightly

"I'm so hyped! Y/N! we can spend the whole day with THE BOYS!" I let out a nervous laugh before Techno speaks up. "the boys...?" "YEAH! I and Y/N are going to hang out with Tubbo and Ranboo the whole day!" Phil perks up at this and bats an eye to the rearview mirror placed in the front. "what is so special about today?" Wilbur places a hand on each seat and leans forward, facing Phil. 

"it's some kind of activities day bullshit." as he finished his sentence he leans back into his seat, crossing his arms. "I think it could be fun! Oh! Wilbur! you and Techno should tag along with us! you could even bring Uhm... Fundy? was it?" Tommy snaps his stare towards me. "What?! they are boring! they will ruin the fun!"

I bop Tommy lightly on the head. "don't be rude, I think it will be great!" As I and Tommy continue to bicker back and forth about if they should be allowed to join or not we completely miss the fact that we have already arrived. 

after trying to convince Tommy to let the older boys tag along he eventually gives in and all four of us make our way over to the spot next to the school where I first met Ranboo and Tubbo to met up with them once again.

"Hey Tommy!" the shorter boy wearing a yellow hoodie yells out rushing over to us holding the hand of the taller. "oh! hi!" his attention was passed onto the others, meaning me and especially Wilbur and Techno. i give the boy a wave and a smile.

after taking some time to greet each other and have talked about what we should do today we all head towards the gym where we had been instructed to meet up with all of the other students.

after roughly an hour of the teachers explaining everything all the students split into smaller groups and I walk over to the boys I talked to earlier this morning.

"Everyone here? We ready to get started?" Wilbur spoke in a soft tone while scanning around him at the other boys as well as me. we all give him a little nod before Tommy speaks up "LET'S DO PAINTBALL FIRST!", cheers erupt from Tubbo and Ranboo. And they all start rushing towards the field where it's been said for the activity to be held.

Tubbo and Tommy are in the lead followed by me and Ranboo, and last but not least, Wilbur and Techno. We arrive at the spot filled with wooden structures scattered around covered in all kinds of colors.

"Tommy?" seemingly all of us shoot a glance towards the boy speaking, none other than Jack! "Jack! where is your team?" Tubbo asks in a confused state as the taller shrugs in response. "they left, they said they wanted to check out the obstacle course-"

"FUCK!" Jack was cut off by a yell from the field. "WHY WON'T IT WORK?!" there sat Quackity pressed up against a wooden wall for cover as he fiddles with the weapon in hand, next to him sits Karl who is trying to peer in between the cracks of the wooden wall as he fires a couple of shots at the other team.

within a flash, Karl gets a splash of color right in his face and quickly stumbles backward. "KARL!" Quackity was quick to tend to Karl, or rather make sure that he was okay. from the other side of the field, a wheeze was heard that turned into a cackle of sorts. only one man could laugh like that. Dream.

A loud buzzing sound was heard, signaling that the match was over. the score was a clear 11-12, Dream's team winning with the final shot in the last second. both the teams leave the area grouping up once again and taking off the equipment. 

Quackitys team consisted of himself, Karl, Fundy, and Niki while the other team was Dream, George, Sapnap, and Eret. Quackity storms off with his team to the next activity while Dream's team heads towards us. Dream scoffs before giving a laugh then Sapnap speaks up. "The kid's activities are by the gym, now scram."

"OH YEAH?" Tommy speaks up before going off on a rant about how stupid they are but only end up getting laughed at. "Let's get out of here Tommy." Wilbur spoke up tugging lightly at the younger boys shirt. "backing out already, Wilby?" Dream speaks up using the nickname Ive heard Tommy use before.

"Dont call me that." Dream laughs and takes a step forward. "what's wrong Wil?" i and Tommy glance at each other and Tubbo and Ranboo cower behind Techno. "i didn't know bisexual people were so sensitive." the man in green spits out with a grin on his face.

Techno steps forward now, his protective side showing and gives Dream a cold stare. "Techno! I-" "don't you 'Techno' me. this is where i draw a line. you and me. paintball. right now." Dream stands up straight and crosses his arms "Bet."


YOOOO IM BACKKK sorry for not posting in AGES, this is a shorter chapter but I'm building up for something cool so like, yeah! hype! :] 

word count: 923

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