Chapter 19

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I exchange a smug glance with Ranboo before going back to our own phones. Tommy on the other hand was talking loudly to his phone about everything he just agreed to and asking Phil every five seconds if we were close to the arcade yet. 

"For fuck sake, Tommy!" Phil says while holding back a chuckle trying to focus on the road, which Tommy simply replied too with his iconic laugh. We had been driving for roughly 30 minutes so far and the same songs had been on loop the whole time, with the occasional bruno mars song which just made Tommy go off and rant about how much he hates him.

I yawn and let out a sigh afterwards as I stretch out my arms to the sides just nearly hitting Tommy in the face in the process catching him off guard. "W-WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" I roll my eyes and stick out my tongue at him. "You dick!" I could tell it was lighthearted by him laughing hysterically and going on to mimic me in sticking his tongue out at me.

After that the rest of the drive was pretty calm, or as calm as it can be with three chaotic children and an old man all stuck together in a car with loud music. Tommy and I were either loudly signing along to the lyrics or chatting about what Minecraft feature should be added next.

Ranboo and Phil on the other hand were calmly chatting about the book Ranboo was reading, It was a book he had gotten from Techno as a gift. it was about plants, mostly flowers, and Ranboo eagerly rambled on about the ones he liked the most and the ones he thought were... less pretty.

"Allium flowers are really pretty, I am glad they were added to Minecraft! probably my favourite by far..." Ranboo trailed off as if lost in thought but it didn't last long as Tommy started yelling, how original. "AAAA! GUYS LOOK WE ARE HERE!" He was eagerly jumping up and down in his seat and quickly whipping up his phone to start recording once more.

"boys! we are here!" he was saying to none other than his phone as he follows the arcade through the window of the car as we passed it by while parking the car. Phil turned off the music as he said something to Ranboo. "Alright everyone get out of my car!" as if he needed to say that, we all rushed out of the car the only sounds heard being the chattering and slamming of car doors.

Tommy and Phil were opening the back of the car as I approached Ranboo. "Hey um, Ranboo! I didn't know you like books... and flowers at that!" he smiled awkwardly. "you could lend it if you would like?" I smiled at him and nod happily. "id love too! but let's deal with that later, mr cameraman" I chuckle and I can feel him smile back as he hid his face while he adjusts his crown.

"take these!" Tommy demanded pushing a rather small device into both our hands ignoring the fact we were having a conversation. "they are go-pros! that way the subscribers can see all of our point of views!" I guess I never really thought about the fact that him talking to his phone was most likely due to him making a video, funky.

"now let us go to war!" just like that Tommy stormed off towards the entrance while adjusting his own go-pro. "let's get this over with." I say with a fake disgust to my voice

we all enter the arcade, Tommy carefully asking the staff stuff about recording, Phil making sure we would have access to everything while Ranboo and I were giggling and whispering about our incredible plan to the go-pros.

then after what seemed like forever of waiting for Phil and mostly Tommy to finish up and Ranboo telling dad jokes the blondes came over to us, Tommy chattering to his camera and Phil giving us the run down of what was about to go down. "and there is also laser tag that you can play in about half an hour over at the left." we all followed the old mans hand as he pointed towards a glowing sign in the distance. "alright guys, of you go!" 

"im going over to the DDR machine!" Ranboo said to my surprise, and Tommy just laughed before making a comment on how Ranboo sucks at dancing as well as how lame it was. "you are just scared to admit that he is better" I reply as I cross my arms and roll my eyes before I laugh.

"wha- no way! I am not scared!" Tommys gaze shifted over to Ranboo as he poked him on the chest. "1 versus 1! right now!" with that the three of us headed off to the DDR machine, with Phil nowhere to be seen anymore.

"FUCK- I SLIPPED! IT DOES NOT COUNT!" a very angry voice I recognised from school was heard and as we turn the corner we are met with the sight of Quackity yelling at the floor, fundy struggling to stand up due to laughter and Karl giggling, trying not to spit out his drink while leaning on the nearby machine.

I burst out laughing as well as we all make our way towards them. "oh my god i'm glad we caught that on camera" I speak in a soft tone between laughs while helping Quackity up to his feet. "on camera...? you are recording!? oh my god..." Tommy steps forward and Ranboo walks over to Karl. "yup! still are, it's for the vlog channel!" Quackity scurries to his feet to stand properly before he starts yelling "CUT THE CAMERAS! DEADASS!" while throwing his arms around.


a shorter chapter now before winter break! I should be able to write more that I don't have school >:D

anyways ty please eat, drink and sleep <33


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