Chapter 14

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I glance over at Wilbur, he is focused on the road as he lets out a shaky breath. "Y/N I- fuck... sorry you had to see all of that shit." I nod at him even tho I know he was to focused on the road to see it. I take a deep breath before speaking up "Wilbur..?" a low hum is heard from him and I continue on. "Why... why was tubbo there?"

a small gasp escapes Wilbur mouth as he turns the car. "don't worry about that, alright? let's talk about that when we get home, ok?" he pats me on my shoulder, eyes still glued to the road. "say, why don't we get something to eat..?" the brunette who's voice usually was so stern yet soft was now shaky and weak. he was clearly trying to make the best out of this whole thing. "um, no." he frowns slightly. "let me finish before you go and cry, i was going to say that ice cream sounds better."

he playfully pushes me "you jerk Y/N!" he lets out his usual chuckle as his whole face lights up. I crack a small smile as I steal his phone from his jacket pocket. "yoink! thank you!" I open up YouTube and start typing away at the keyboard. within seconds (favourite song) starts blasting through the speakers. "Are you serious?" Wilbur says before cracking a laugh.

"what? it is a good song!" I tap my foot along with the song. "touché" now I was the one laughing. "what's up with the fancy words, Sir Wil?" "and who are you? Tommy?" he laughs at his own joke. "you dickhead! I am NO where near as LOUD as hi- oh." I then laugh along with him.

and things stay just like that, laughing, loud music and playful fighting as long as it wasn't dangerous, as he was driving. we eventually arrive at a parking lot where Wilbur pulls in and parks neatly. he swipes back his phone from out of my hands and unbuckles his seatbelt. "we are here, now get out of my car you moron."

I stick my tongue out at him while I unbuckle my seatbelt and quickly open the door and hop out to be met with a cozy cottage with the word "ice cream" plastered across in a fancy font on a hanging sign. upon entering the building it gives off the typical homey feeling and the scents of fresh waffles, coffee and other pastries fill my nose.

"what do you want?" The tall brunette asks as he glances at the menus placed on the wall behind the counter, I follow his gaze and read the menus. "Wilbur? are you sure they sell ice cream here? it just looks like pastries and coffee." he nudges my shoulder and signals towards a mom handing her child a big ice cream cone. I roll my eyes and walk over to the Ice cream section with Wilbur following just ever so slightly behind me.

"Wil? Y/N?" a girl speaks from the other side of the counter, I glance up to see Niki. "Niki? you never told me you work here! if I knew I would bring Y/N here more often!" I give Niki a small wave before focusing my gaze at the big boxes of the sweet treat known as ice cream. "you guys keep on talking while I decide on the flavours I want." and that is exactly what happened. I stood there trying to figure what flavours I want before deciding on (favourite ice cream flavour). "that one please, thank you."

Niki carefully picked up a cone from the stand and filled it as much as possible with the decided flavour. "anything else?" "I'll have my usual, and i'll take a soda for the kid." I snap my head towards Wilbur. "I am not a kid!" the young adult ruffles my hair with a laugh. Niki hands Wilbur a cup of what I assume is coffee by the smell of it. "what kind of soda do you like?" "any energy drink or just anything sweet should work, thank you."

Niki nods and takes out a small energy drink (or soda) from behind her and hands it to me. Wilbur pays and thanks Niki as we take a seat at one of the tables near the window, he then shoots a glance at the small can. "don't blame me if you can't sleep tonight." "oh don't worry, I won't." i start licking at my ice cream and taking pauses only to comment on what Wilbur is saying or to take a sip of my drink.

"-so I pushed him into the water!" I was sitting and listening to Wilbur telling me a story about when him and Tommy went to a camp when they were younger. I had finished my ice cream, and was sipping the last bit of my drink that I had left, Wilbur's coffee cup, which I figured out was coffee after tasting some, was also nearly empty.

Things Will Get Better [Reader + SBI Adoption AU]Where stories live. Discover now