Chapter 11

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After waiting for a good second for both Techno and Dream to put on the right equipment and reload their weapons they finally take their stance at their own ends of the arena. it all happened so fast and I doubt anyone really knew what was going on at this point.

"YOU ARE SO GOING TO LOSE DREAM!" I turn around to see Tommy, Tubbo and partly Ranboo hyping each other as well as Techno up for this rather intense game of paintball.

"DON'T YOU HAVE ANY MORE GIRLS TO BOTHER? OR DID THEY ALL LEAVE YOU ALREADY?" Dream snaps back from across the arena but just barely loud enough to be heard. the arena was truly huge, large enough to easily fit big teams with up to ten or more members. 

"OH SHUT UP YOU DICK!" the gremlins stood behind me yells back, louder and more frustrated this time before crossing his arms and facing Tubbo to go on and rant about how much Dream sucks. I glance up towards the huge clock hanging close enough to be seen wherever you are on the field. ticking down ever so gently before letting out a ringing sound, sending a signal that it was time for the match to start.

10 minutes displayed on the screen as Techno and Dream both rush forward, ducking behind obstacles and carefully sneaking around various trees and bushes. well Dream was more or less rushing forward trying to 'Speed-run'  and get it over with while also hoping to be able to land as many shots as possible, and win.

Dream landed the first shoot, a soft lime green staining Technos right arm. loud cheering and applause erupted from besides us. "they are acting like a bunch of cheerleaders cheering for the hot boy in class" I whisper to Wilbur before I roll my eyes and let out a laugh.

it went on like that for most of the match, Dream and Techno landing shots on each other earning cheers and applause from the crowd followed by an occasional swear from either Tommy or Sapnap. the time was slowly nearing the one minute mark, the final couple of seconds to score points. Techno was currently in the lead with a proud score of nearly 30 shots landed on the green opponent whilst Dream had roughly 27 points.

"COME ON DREAM!!" Sapnap shouted in a frustrated state followed by a groan and comment from George. "SHOOT HIM ALREADY!" Wilbur and I sit laughing at their screaming  as they get a response from the green man himself. "SHUT UP! IM TRYI-" his shouting was cut off by a tiny dark pink bead hitting him in the head, which of course, sent us all into laughing like maniacs.

in the middle of our laughing the buzzing noise went off meaning Techno had won the round and we all go from laughing to cheering. I see Techno move his lips, clearly speaking to the rival but unable to be heard before they both come walking back. one mans head high up in the air in pride, the others low with his gaze feasted on the half muddy ground.

"You did it Techno!" I speak up before we thank the other team for a good match and walk away to try the rest of the stuff. "there is NOTHING fun to do!" Tommy huffs. "He's kinda right." Tubbo says with a soft groan in annoyance.

"there must be something to do? I mean, the whole day is meant for activities!" now even I was frustrated! "Either there is something which only one of us would enjoy or its trash!" I continued my rant before Techno put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"hey guys, what about the debate section?" Ranboo spoke up, taken aback by properly hearing his voice for once my eyes widen, I quickly snap back to reality and nod. "I think it sounds good! anyone got any other ideas?" everyone shook their heads or simply said no. which means the debate section was a clear winner.

We all walk along the big corridors trying to find any sign or something to indicate we are on the right path before we eventually hear some screaming from down to the left. we all start running over swinging the door open thinking someone was hurt. 

"GUYS! PLEASE! THAT'S SO DUMB! WHY WOULD ANYONE GET A DOG WHEN CATS ARE CLEARLY EASIER TO TAKE CARE OFF! I MEAN LOOK AT ME! I OWN A CAT AND I AM SO FUCKING RELAXED RIGHT NOW!" We all look at the bat-shit crazy man screaming before realising its Quackity, clearly the debate part was found.

"YOU LOOK FAR FROM RELAXED! IF ANYTHING YOU LOOK MORE STRESSED WHICH IS WHY DOGS ARE A BETTER OPTION YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!" we all watched in silence, well almost all of us. "Skeppy!!" 'I recognise those guys' I thought to myself before realising who they are. 

"Bad? Skeppy? QUACKITY? what are you guys up to?" I ask in a confused state as they all snap their gaze towards the newcomers. "ey man! welcome to the debate section!" Quackity said in his usual joking Mexican voice. 

Bad smiles and waves at us "they were just debating on what's better, cats or dogs! but uhm... it got a LITTLE bit out of hand." I let out a soft chuckle. "Wilbur! get up here i wanna try and take on you!" Quackity said in his normal voice.

"... take on me?" Wilbur says with a smug expression clearly aware of the reference he just made before taking Skeppys spot and getting ready for the debate topic to be said. Ranboo takes the topics folder and flips through a couple of papers before finding one that he thinks would be interesting. "here's one! all drugs should be legalised!" clearly he was more invested in this than the rest of us.

"OH HELL YEAH MAN!" Quackity was the one cheering, clearly he wanted to debate for why it would be a good thing, and so Wilbur simply nodded, knowing well that he would have to be against it.

after roughly 10 minutes of the two boys debating on the topic they were given it quickly turned into angry yelling and slamming on the desks as they proceeded, bringing up some pretty alright points. "MAKING EVERY DRUG LEGAL WOULD RESULT IN A HIGHER DEATH RATE IN OVERDOSES, AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT IT WOULD ALSO CORRUPT SOCIETIES ECONOMY AS A WHOLE!" Wilbur said as he slammed his fist into the desk in front of him for what felt like the hundredth time.

Quackity was left speechless, only managing to make stuttered muttering as he tried to come up with something better than he had already said. in defeat he dropped his head onto the desk before jerking his head right back up with an angry expression plastered across his face. 

"I think it's time we leave!" Tubbo said before quickly running out the door and down the corridor, soon followed by a concerned Ranboo, an energetic Tommy and um.. the rest of us, just less energetic.

"Oh! hello Philza!" the short brunette spoke up in a happy tone as he found himself in the parking area with one panting and one not so much panting boy catching up to him. "HOW ARE YOU GUYS SO FAST?" Ranboo chuckled and ruffled Tommys hair a bit "you just have short legs."

Tommy quickly flips him off before storming over to Phil waiting for the other 3 to arrive. speaking of the devil, three not so winded nor panting people come walking over. "there you are! you guys ready to go home?" I shoot looks to all of us receiving nods or thumbs up before I myself nod at Phil. Tommy says bye to Tubbo and Ranboo and Wilbur did the same with his friends. I give them a big smile and wave as I hop into the car to Tommys left. 

Everyone gets into a seat, putting on the seat belt and Phil puts on some music before he starts driving. as we are sat listening to (Favourite song/Artist/Etc) with Wilbur and Tommy intensely singing along with me I spot something outside the window. "What's that?" Practically everyone at least takes a glance outside. "That's the festival they are holding this weekend!" Wilbur chirps in.

"It looks cool! can we go?" I ask before Phil takes the spotlight once again. "oh! um, sorry Y/N but  I'll have to say no." something in his voice sounded so off. I wonder what's up with that festival.





word count: 1469

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