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(Y/n)'s POV:

I ran back to the meadow out of breath. I sighed once I finally reached my home. The meadow was slowly but surely starting to grow back and I smiled at the fresh green grass, colorful flowers, and new herbs already growing. I walked towards the center of the meadow. Soft meows were heard and o turned around to see Sunny running to me. He continued to scream at me as he finally reached me. "Hey kitty!" I said and picked him up only for him to keep meowing at me. I giggled and carried him to the center of the meadow and I felt something touch my shoulder.

I quickly turned around only to see nothing. I blinked and I my eyes widened. In front of me was an old friend. "Hey, kiddo. Miss me?" The man wearing all black, dark hair and skin, dark eyes, and the bones in his hands and forearms exposed. A large black scythe was in his hand as he leaned against it. "Death?" I asked softly and he nodded. "The one and only." He said with a smirk and my shocked expression soon turned into a glare.

"Oh come on, don't give me that look." I placed Sunny back on the ground and crossed my arms over my chest. I only stared at him and he groaned throwing his head back and rubbing his temple. "Look, I know you're mad at me." He said. "What possibly gave that away?" I asked sarcastically and he crossed his arms. "I can do without the attitude, okay." He said and I rolled my eyes and started walking to the cabin. "Oh, come on, kiddo." I ignored him and continued walking to the cabin. Death groaned and he was soon in front of me once again. "If it makes you feel better, I didn't want to leave you." He said and I only stared up at him waiting for him to continue. "You know how the counsel can be. They thought that we were putting you and practically everything else in danger. With us around all the time, Zhan Tiri was trying even harder to get to you. You're not the only person she wants to get revenge on." Death said and I sighed.

"Okay. I believe you." I said softly and he sighed in relief. "Oh thank god." He said. "But that still doesn't explain why you didn't at least let me know. And why are you here? Did the counsel change their minds?" I asked and Death leaned against his scythe once more. "Unfortunately, they all said that I couldn't inform you on what was happening. And I'm here because, like I said they would be, the counsel was wrong. I watched what happened at the Dark Kingdom. I have to say I'm impressed by how much you've grown." Death said with a smile and a blush covered my cheeks as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Th-thank you. Wait! You were there and you didn't help me?!" I asked and he only stared at me for a moment. "I'll admit. I fucked up there. If I interfered Zhan would have gotten rid of you completely. I don't even know what you did to get her out of you." Death said and I shrugged my shoulders. "I kind of just shoved her out?" I said more like a question and he stared at me with wide eyes. "You...shoved her? And she just...left?" He asked and I nodded. He was lost in his own thoughts for a few moments.

"You're either thinking about how amazing and incredible I am, or something else." I said and he nodded. "Definitely something else. I'll look into it more later. Right now we need to fix this place up. I'm having Persephone come by in a few days to heal the land for good. Since we all can start seeing you again, expect multiple gifts from all of us." He said and I nodded. "You guys really don't have to do that." I said and he smiled at me. "All we ask is that you get altars set up." He said and I nodded. "Once I get the cabin cleaned, I'll set those up again." He nodded and placed his bony hand on my head and messing up my hair.

"I suggest you start veiling. I have a strong feeling that you'll be needing the extra protection." "What should I use?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "You can use anything really. I highly suggest you use a witches hat. Then you really will look like our favorite little witch." He said and I rolled my eyes. "That's stereotypical, Death." I said and he chuckled. "It is. It's not like this kingdom will really care if you start wearing a witch hat. They already know, so you'll just be fitting into the part more." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I'll think about." I said before walking towards the cabin once more.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now