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Eugene and Rapunzel brought (Y/n) back to the city in hopes of cheering the witch up. Eugene helped (Y/n) out of the cart and Rapunzel wrapped her hair around (Y/n)'s waist to keep her from curling back up on the ground. The witch stared sadly at the ground as she wiped her puffy red eyes once again.

"Okay, (Y/n), let's cheer you up!" Rapunzel said with a large grin hoping it would become contagious to her. The witch simply looked up at her with big sad eyes before looking back at the ground.

"Sunshine, a little cart ride isn't going to drastically change her mood. We should take things slow with her." Eugene tried to reason with Rapunzel once again.

"Eugene, as her friends we need to find a way to make her feel better." Rapunzel said and Eugene sighed. "Look, Blondie, this is her first heartbreak. She needs time before she can feel better. If we keep going at it like this I'm afraid she's going to feel even worse than before." Eugene said softly before sighing.

"You're not going to listen to me are you?" He asked and Rapunzel shook her head no before gently starting to pull the witch towards the castle.

"We'll get you a clean set of clothes and something to protect you from your rain, and then we are going to turn that frown upside down!" Rapunzel cheered and (Y/n) nodded ever so slightly causing the princess to silently cheer to herself.

Eugene watched his girlfriend pull (Y/n) around like a sad lost puppy. He rolled his eyes before looking down at Ruddiger. "This is going to be a long day." He said and the raccoon nodded. Ruddiger ran up and went around Eugene's shoulders and they started following the princess towards the castle.

As they made their way to the castle Rapunzel found it harder and harder to keep the townspeople from talking to (Y/n). They all were concerned about the dark cloud hovering over her. Whenever someone managed to ask about it or asked if the witch was okay, (Y/n)'s eyes would quickly start to water before silent tears started to run down her cheeks. The rain would pick up as well making them more concerned. Eugene and Rapunzel had to give quick excuses left and right as they made it back to the palace.

Rapunzel let out a soft sigh as she saw the palace steps in front of her. "Ha! We made it! Now let's get you-" "This is a bad idea." (Y/n) said barely above a whisper making Eugene and Rapunzel look at her.

"Bad idea? (Y/n), I'm going to make you feel better if it's the last thing I-" "Eddie." (Y/n) said softly and Rapunzel and Eugene's eyes widened. They silently scolded themselves for forgetting about the Neserdnian king that wanted to expose the witch.

"W-we can just...hide you as we go through the castle! Y-yeah! That could work!" Rapunzel said not noticing (Y/n) start to slump towards the ground. Eugene acted fast and threw (Y/n) over his shoulder.

"We better hurry if we don't want anyone to see her." He said and Rapunzel nodded. They all ran through the castle being extra careful not to draw unwanted attention to the witch.

The princess and her boyfriend finally made it to the princess' bedroom. "Let's put her on the balcony." Rapunzel said as she opened her window and Eugene placed the girl on the balcony floor. (Y/n) curled up on the ground and stared down at the ground. Soft sniffles was the only thing that was heard from her. The dark cloud over her head provided her shade from the bright sun above her.

Pascal climbed onto (Y/n)'s shoulder and Ruddiger climbed into her lap. He looked up at her with big soft eyes before giving the witch a hug. (Y/n) simply scratched behind his ears as she sniffled having run out of tears at the moment. Eugene closed the window to give the witch some privacy and turned to his girlfriend.

"Sunshine, I know you're just trying to help, but I still don't think this is the best way to go about this." Eugene said and Rapunzel looked at him. "Eugene, I got this! We just have to figure out a way to get her mind off of Varian!" Rapunzel said optimistically.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now