Dress After Dress

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(Y/n) had a soft smile on her cheeks as she made small finishing touches to the centerpieces once again. "Ah! These look so much better now!" She said as she placed another centerpiece on a table.

A pair of arms reached around the witch's waist and a soft kiss was pressed to her cheek. A soft giggle left her lips as she turned around in the pair of arms.

"Hello to you too, Sapphires." (Y/n) said as she wrapped her arms around Varian's neck. The couple leaned their foreheads against each other.

"I have an absolutely spellbinding idea, milady." Varian said with a large smile as he pulled away slightly from his girlfriend.

"And what could that possibly be?" (Y/n) asked as she ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his neck.

"Well, I was thinking we could may-hey!" Varian was suddenly ripped from (Y/n)'s arms and thrown over someone's shoulders. The witch laughed as she saw Lance walking away with Varian over his shoulder thrashing about.

A giggle left the girls lips as she saw her boyfriend being whisked away. Eugene appeared next to her and placed his elbow on her shoulder. "Ahh I remember my first ball. Pick pocketed so many people that night." He said wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"Wait, you've been to a ball before?" (Y/n) asked. Eugene smirked at the girl. "Only about 12 but who's counting? Oh wait, me!" He said before going to follow Lance out of the room. "Don't worry my dear witch. We shall have your alchemist back to you by this evening." He said giving a bow to the witch making her laugh and roll her eyes.

(Y/n) stared at where her boyfriend had left with a soft smile on her face before her hand was suddenly grabbed and she was being dragged off to who knows where. The witch noticed a long golden braid and rolled her eyes knowing it was Rapunzel.

"Punz! What's with the hurry? Where are we going?" The witch asked with a soft laugh as she did her best to keep up with the blonde.

"Oh, you'll see, (Y/n)." Rapunzel said with the smirk similar to the one Eugene had given earlier. The witch rolled her eyes and didn't fight the princess.

They were both in Rapunzel's room with Pascal and Sunny. The two companions were sleeping on the princess' large bed before Rapunzel shoved (Y/n) by her shoulders making her sit down on the bed.

"Uhm...you want to explain what's going on Punz?" The witch asked confused as Sunny made himself comfortable in her lap. The princess only responded with a squeal of excitement as she opened her closet door showing a few dresses all made for the witch.

"Did...did you make dresses for the ball...for me? Rapunzel you didn't have to. I really appreciate this but-" (Y/n) said getting up off the bed and placing Sunny next to where she was.

"Nope no buts! I worked hard on these dresses for you because I wanted you to have an amazing time and I know you like getting dressed up so I wanted to do this as a thank you." Rapunzel said holding the witch's hands with a soft smile. "You've done so much to help me, our friends, my people...I just wanted to show you how grateful I am to have you with me." The princess said with small tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

(Y/n) noticed the tears in her eyes and gave her a soft smile back before pulling Rapunzel into a well needed hug for the both of them. "Rapunzel, you don't have to thank me. If anyone should be thankful, it's me. You've done so much for me and you've trusted me when most people wouldn't and I'm forever in your debt for that."

They both squeezed each other harder making sure they could feel each other's emotions. (Y/n) noticed a slight tinge of fear coming from Rapunzel and knew what it was from. Rapunzel was nervous that the same thing with Cass would happen to (Y/n).

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora