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Eugene and Rapunzel both stared at the old tattered journal that said 'Shadow Work' as well as the nightstand with a jar and candle wax on it.

"What do you suppose it is?" Eugene asked about to touch what was on the nightstand only to have Rapunzel hold him back. "I'm not sure. We better have an expert on this stuff look at it before we touch something we're not supposed to." Rapunzel said before turning towards the witch and the two animals that stayed with her.

"(Y/n), I think you should have a look at this." The princess said and the witch looked at her before nodding. She slowly trudged into the room. The witch scrunched her face in disgust as the smell became worse. Her (e/c) eyes widened as she saw the previously melted candle wax on the nightstand.

"What the hell?" (Y/n) said softly as she moved closer to get a better look. Eugene and Rapunzel watched as she examined the nightstand. Her fingers grazed over the melted wax and her eyes widened in realization.

She muttered something under her breath making everyone in the room look at each other hoping someone heard what she had said.

"What did you say?" Rapunzel asked. "Love spell." The girl wasn't looking at the group but they could sense her anger. Sunny jumped up on the bed and sat in front of the tattered journal placing his paw on it before meowing.

(Y/n) glanced over and her eyes darkened at the book. "My first book of shadows." She carefully picked up the book and flipped through it coming across the very page that had started this fiasco.

She turned to the others and showed them what was in the journal. "A love spell. Varian is under a love spell. Not just any love spell either." She said before slamming the book closed making a few loose pages come out.

"That explains why when we asked Varian what he loved about Rosalie, he answered with what he loved about (Y/n)!" Kira said. "Whoever performed this spell didn't follow the spell either." (Y/n) said rubbing her temple.

"What does that mean?" Rapunzel asked and (Y/n) sighed. "This means it's going to be even harder to break it. Who's room is this?" She asked and Eugene answered. "It's Rosalie's and Elizabeth's." (Y/n) nodded.

"Elizabeth told me she had a crush on me not too long ago so she's out of the question. That only means..." "Rosalie." Rapunzel said shocked she would do such a thing.

"What are we going to do?" Catalina asked. "Yeah, how do you reverse a love spell?" Lance asked and (Y/n) sighed.

"It's going to be difficult, but I think I might know how. Alright you guys go get Varian and take him to the meadow. I have to have a talk with Rosalie." (Y/n) said before quickly leaving the room with Sunny and Ruddiger on her tail.

"I'll go with her to make sure nothing bad happens. You guys get Varian and we'll meet you back at the meadow!" Rapunzel said before quickly running after the witch.

Rapunzel caught up with (Y/n) as she walked through the castle. The cloud above her head had finally vanished. "Why do you need Rosalie?" The princess asked. "We need to figure out exactly what she changed about the spell to try and figure out how to reverse it. I also need to talk to her about taking my things, ignoring very obvious warnings, casting a love spell, and casting said love spell on my boyfriend."

"How do you reverse a love spell?" Rapunzel asked and (Y/n) sighed. "Honestly, I'm not exactly sure. I have a few ideas, but there's no telling what could happen. I was never taught how to reverse them, only to not cast them but how to cast them if needed. I just hope nothing will end up hurting Varian." (Y/n) said the last pet softly.

"We can figure this out, (Y/n). I know we can. Plus you're the smartest witch I know, if anyone can figure this out it's you." The princess said giving the witch a soft smile and the witch nodded giving her a smile back.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now