Chapterish 51

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I'm back, babes.
Who's ready for the next round of WGD? Like our very own summer, our fave group's Caribbean escape is almost over. Who predicts choppy waters ahead for our fave toxically delicious couple, Bremmy? And who is fully ready for them to sail off into the golden sunset? Drop a comment here for your vote!
Let the sun-soaked adventure continue!



Alright, who thinks I'm weak? Show of hands.

Show of both hands.

You're not wrong. But this is so right.

It's a moody day. The sky is dark and heavy with swirling gray clouds. A misty rain has coated the decks and railings of MS with perfect beads of water. Perfect stay in bed all day weather, but alas. I'm on deck.

"Second to last day!" Meg announces happily.

"Don't remind us," Travis grins.

"Shut up," I groan.

Travis and I answer in unison.

Brooks takes another call from his dad at breakfast, wandering away and returning 20 minutes later, moody like the weather. He downs three mimosas in 10 minutes, before just grabbing the fresh bottle of champagne and opting to drink it straight. Trix rolls her eyes as he takes the newly uncorked bottle from her hands.

He's drunk by the time he stands up.

"Whoa, easy babe," I joke, putting out a hand to steady him.

"I'm fine," he almost growls at me.

"Tell that to a straight line," I joke.

"Come on, he's just getting in the mood," Alex says, clapping a hand on Brooks's shoulder.

"Yea, don't worry. We'll take good care of him today," Travis joins in.

"Hope you enjoy babysitting," I shrug, standing up.

Brody shoots me an annoyed look, which I return. Both of us are picking up what Brooks's is unintentionally putting down (OK fine, drunkenly dropping).

Volatile Brooks has never met someone he wouldn't punch. Leave it to Brooks to find a way to ruin the almost last day of the trip.

"Odds we can talk him into sleeping it off and skip the bachelor party?" I whisper quietly to Brody.

"Wishful thinking looks good on you," Brody answers, laughing me away.

"At least it's not my problem today," I say.

He walks to the back of the line of guys exiting the deck. I watch him disappear behind Nate.

In lieu of our bachelor and bachelorette night plans, we've decided to spend the entire last day apart from the boys. Nate and Travis packed a cooler for the boys to take to the top deck. Us girls are currently parading around the mid-level in our boy-free zone.

"FIVE WEEKS, AHHH!" Meg shouts, shaking Trix by her shoulders.

"And counting," I say, coy. "Nervous? Scared? Ready to finally sleep with Travis?"

Trix almost spits out her entire drink, laughing as it dribbles down her chin. "Oh my god SO ready. You've no idea."

"Hope I don't lose this glorious tan over the next month," I sigh.

"Can't wait for Florida," Whit chimes in.

"Everyone gets in the same day, so I'm thinking some spa action?" Trix asks, eyes wide. "Little mani-pedi party, hair, make-up, the works."

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