Chapterish 15

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The boys cook dinner for us, insisting the girls stay out of the kitchen. We're allowed to watch from the couch and that's the extent of our involvement.

Changing out of my damp jeans and into my cotton leggings was transcendent. My nose still feels cold to the touch, like a little piece of the outdoors I brought inside. Trix and Meg are casual too, like me, with leggings and bagging tees, knee-high socks and hair leftover from the windy hike. Lauren and Cam are fancy –like they're ready to hit some boujee nightclub at a ski resort. Whit is somewhere in the middle. We are wearing the same socks, though. 

Laughter starts in the kitchen. Travis and Nate are on steak duty (red meat, vom). A strong gust of wind freezes the room every time they open the door to the deck. Brooks refused to bring the grill inside. Johnny and Alex are on drink duty –stirring a pot of bottomless hot toddies. Served fireside. Jack and Vin set the table and I think it's the first time I've seen Cam not in the same room as her boyfriend.

The Brooks Boys are on pasta duty. Brody is chopping onions and mushrooms on a cutting board next to the stove where Brooks is dropping handfuls of parsley into a white sauce. I can smell it simmering to perfection. The savory aroma of garlic and olive oil drifts across the bar into the great room, taunting us.

My hot toddy is actual perfection. Alex arrives, wearing an apron that makes the golden brown of his hair. He refills our mugs and sets the pitcher on the coffee table.

"Almost ready." Alex warns us on his way back to the kitchen.

"Mhmm," I nod.

"Smells delicious. I'm starving," Meg sighs, bringing her hand to her stomach.

"So nice of the men to cook for us," Whit says, eyes beaming as much as her smile.

"Sure," I agree.

"Alex cooks all the time at home. Oh we don't live together yet," she adds, catching my eyes widen. "Not yet. But he's over a lot. Or he has me at his place."

"Alex finally got a new place," Trix says, looking at me.

"Right," I nod, unable to shake the image of Alex's one bedroom studio from my mind.

I lift my mug and inhale the honeyed steam. The hot ceramic feels good against my lips. I sip and listen to Lauren and Whit equally obsess some cop-TV show they're both binging.


"Time to eat!" I hear Travis's invitation to the kitchen.

I stand reluctantly from my cozy spot on the couch, only coaxed by the satiating smells of dinner in the next room.

Jack and Vin can set a table.

It's complete with ceramic plates, cups, bottles of wine, and a large bread basket –all golden under the dimmed chandelier. Bowls and plates of food line the table and as my eyes scan over everything my stomach lurches. I'm starving.

Brooks pulls the chair out for me, pinching my ass as I sit down next to him. Lauren pours a glass of wine and offers me some too. I nod, holding my glass up to the bottle.

Trix and Travis do a quick toast saying how happy they are everyone is here and everyone is in their wedding. They also thank Brooks for letting them use the mabin for a weekend getaway. Brooks cheeks deepen as he rolls his eyes, smiling when they meet mine. I put my hand on his thigh and lean into him.

"You're cute," I whisper, my lips grazing his jaw.

Brooks turns to look at me, making a small fist in my messy hair, grin spreading on his lips. "You're mine."

We Go Down (Bremmy 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz