Chapterish 1

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Would you believe me if I said we're still together? Because I don't believe myself. Then again it has only been 12 hours. I roll over in the hotel bed and feel his skin against mine. It's warm and firm and everything I missed about sleeping next to him.

"Morning," I mumble against his shoulder.

Brooks turns his head and opens his eyes, smiling. "Who're you?"

"Don't you remember? You picked me up last night," I smirk.

"Doesn't seem like me." Brooks laughs.

"Seems exactly like you," I laugh.

I rest my chin on his chest. Brooks stretches his arms and leaves one behind his head and the other around my neck. I can't stop looking at him. He can't stop looking at me. My mind is racing with everything from last night's dinner at fake Corbel Finn to walking the streets with Trix and Travis convinced I was seeing Brooks around every corner. Turns out, I was seeing Brooks under those dim street lamps.

There wasn't a lot of talking last night if you can believe that. It was mainly more shots of tequila, hard-core dancing, and an artsy porno vibe in our hotel room. I'm not complaining. But now it's morning and now I need to face the truth. The truth is us.

Don't think it's lost on me that Brooks and I found each other, unplanned and unprovoked, in a city crawling with people on New Year's Eve of all nights. It's not lost on me. Brooks is not lost on me. He's in my bed, naked. I'd say he's pretty found on me.

Brooks broke up with Lexi sometime at the end of summer. So only three months after I left the bonfire with Alex. Three months after Brooks chased me down the street, pleading with me.

Turns out Lexi was a lot more high maintenance than Brooks could deal with. Or wanted to deal with. At least that's what he says. I can't stop the skeptical side of me from not believing him. There's something in his voice that makes me think there's more to it.

"Think Trix and Travis are up?" Brooks asks me.

I move my phone until the screen lights up with the time. 7:30 AM. We haven't even been back at the hotel for 5 hours.

"Mhmm. They're always up." I roll my eyes. I think of Trix and Travis and their dumbfounded faces last night when they saw Brooks walk into the bar. I had my suspicions but I knew they didn't plan this. No one could have planned this.

I swipe open my phone and text Trix to see if she's up. Brooks tries to pull me back down to him when I sit up in bed.

"Come back," Brooks groans.

"Stop," I laugh, swatting away his hands. I pull on his undershirt from last night. It smells like ocean. How?

My phone buzzes against the fluffy down comforter.


"Brunch?" I ask, holding my phone up for Brooks to see Trix's text.

"Room service?" Brooks asks, raising his eyebrow. His smirks give me life.

"You want me to pass up brunch. It's in my DNA," I smirk.

"But I'm not ready to leave," Brooks whines. "I don't want to share you yet."

Music. To. My. Ears.

I can't stop the grin from spreading ear to ear. I can literally feel how stupid my face looks right now. Ask me if I care.

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