Chapterish 70

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When Trix walks out of the secret bridal room where her dress was stored, I'm low key feeling her too. Her long wavy fishtailed low-do with a coral hibiscus that matches our dresses. Her white lace dress, all cascading and shit, and perfect make-up.

"Shit. I'm going to cry," I say, hugging her lightly. "Don't want to touch your hair."

"Oh stop. My hair will live. Give me the hug." Trix beams. Her purple-green eyeshadow makes her eyes pop.

"So close!" Meg says, checking her phone. "Can't believe you're almost going to be married."

"Ahh!" Trix laughs.

"Everyone almost ready?" Mrs. Barr asks all the bridesmaids.



"Yeah," I say, draining the last bit of my mimosa and setting the glass on the table.

"Ok. Girls gather around," the photographer says. "Trix will sit here." She pushes the white plush day couch into the shade in front of the open balcony. "And if all you girls could situate yourselves around the bride. That's it."

"And here are your flowers," Mrs. Barr appears at the door, holding a large cardboard box with bits of beachgrass sticking out of the top.

The boho chic bouquets are distributed amongst us bridesmaids. It's heavier than expected, but worth every single ounce. Cream satin wraps branches of raw cotton and pussy willow buds. Tan beachgrass fans out in every direction.

I am directed to Trix's right side, MOH status. Meg sits on her other side and the rest of the girls are spread evenly out. Some stand low in the back behind us, others sit on the cushions in front of us so we are all different heights.

The photographer snaps away. After the group shots, we do solo shots with the bride. The rest of the bridesmaids leave, but Trix, Meg, and I take a beautiful shot out on the balcony, sunshine filtering our faces and illuminating the gold in our eyeshadow.

I smile so long that my face feels stiff and hard and threatens to never move again. Raz does a quick touch-up to my hair and make-up before they pack up to go.

"OK," the photographer says, clapping her hands. "That's a wrap. If I can get you two out," she says to Meg and me. "Just the bride will stay for some solos."

"Don't forget your bouquets!" Trix shouts at us, holding the queen of all boho-beachy bouquets.

We are ushered out the door and right on time. The company is crippling. I find that all the pictures and smiling and fawning over hairstyles has made me really need a second alone.

The guys are getting ready a floor below us, but I can hear them as soon as they filter inside from the pool. The testosterone. The belligerence. I think I can even smell cheap cologne permeating through the floor. Ah, to be a middle-schooler in a mall again.

They put the music on so loud that the floor shakes beneath us.

"Their pool party continues," I mouth over the music.

I part with Meg who is going to meet Lauren for one last pre-wedding shot, but I don't think I can stomach anything more.

My taupe heels click against the marble floor as I descend the stairs. The music gets louder with each step. I've barely been to this side of the downstairs before, so I open the first door to my left.

"Oh shit!" I gasp, stopping dead.

Alex and Whit are banging on top of a washer and dryer unit. He's standing, straddling either side of Whit's legs. I can't stop looking at the dimples in the small of his back or his shirt which is in a heap at his feet. I can't stop looking at her dress, bunched up around her waist. Really, I'm just thinking about the wrinkles. Not the jealousy.

I know how deer in headlights feel now. Only without the added perk of getting hit by a car. Of course, this would happen to me. Luckily, I'm pretty sure neither of them is paying much attention to me at all. I barely inhale the linen-scented air before I'm pulling the door shut behind me.

There's a time when it would have been Brooks and I finding the clandestine laundry room for a quick romp. A time when we would have had our own love affair on our best friends' wedding day. I shake this thought from my mind.

Travis and his cousin, Vin, are walking down the hall towards me. OK, strutting down the hall. Their sand-colored suits are unbuttoned over seersucker linen shirts and damn do they look good.

"Trav!" I say, smiling. "Hey guys. Looking for Alex? He's occupied." I point to the room behind me, grimacing.

"Was wondering where he wandered off too," Vin says.

"You two look unbelievable! You even combed your hair, Travis!"

"Not better than the bride, I hope?" He asks, his eyebrow ring raising.

"Well, obviously not. No. The bride's not even real." We laugh. "But I'm loving this vintage vibe right now."

"Yeah, it's not too bad. And you look amazing, really." Travis smiles softly when he says it –almost like he's saying it for someone else. If that makes any sense. Which I'm aware it doesn't.

I'm aware I won't get any compliments from Brooks today. I'm aware I'll barely even see him today. Hallelujah it wasn't him I walked in on in the laundry suite.

"Well, I need to round everyone up," Travis says, retreating down the hall.

"See you soon!" I smirk.

"Have you seen Nate in a minute?" I hear him asking Vin.

"Nah man."

Travis and Vin retrace their steps back to the groom's suite. The door opens and closes quickly behind them, but the cigar smoke still escapes. It still envelops me. Still smells like a midnight château.


I glance at my phone.

2:28 PM

Thirty minutes to go.

I need some air.

We Go Down (Bremmy 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ