Chapter 18

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The door to my bedroom shut as Lily put the sleeping child down in my bed. She came back out to the living room furious, brushing my hair aside before letting out a frustrated shout.

I sighed and tried to stand just getting pushed right back down. I watched her storm away to return with a bobby pin. If I knew I wasn't in so much trouble I would be laughing. Watching her so angry with the tiny bobby pin stuck between her fingers.

She moves my head and fumbles with the pin, getting the hair out of my face. "How long?" She whisper-shouts pointing at me harshly. "Just two days" I shrug. "Who did this to you!?" Her voice was raising in volume and I looked to my bedroom door wearily.

"Listen it's fine, I can handle this" I use my hands attempting to calm her. "If your way of handling this is getting a back eye, I'm intervening!" She yells and I put my finger to my lips shushing her.

"Who did this to you!" She repeats and I groan slumping back against the couch. "Just some guy," I tell her and she stops. "Some guy- you don't even hang out with any guys..." she goes quiet and I stare at her unable to tell what she's thinking.

Suddenly she pulls her phone out dialing a number. I watched her intrigued, waiting for the person to answer. "Get your ass over here now!" She yells and I stand grabbing her shoulder.

"Lily be quiet" I remind her and she looks between the door and me before hanging up the phone. "Who was that?" I ask and she gives me a questioning look. "Axel," she says his name bluntly and my eyes go wide.

"Please no- I don't want him knowing about this" I hurry to take the hairpin out of my hair but she slaps my hand away. "Well at least I know it's not him..." she huffs forcing me to sit down.

"You're explaining everything when he gets here" she taps her foot impatiently. I hug my stomach, wishing this would have all played out differently. I was really hoping they weren't going to find out.

Lily didn't stop pacing until there was the drumming of the engine that eventually died followed by a knock on our door. She then proceeded to stomp to the door swinging it open.

I turned the other way so they wouldn't see me. "What happen?" His voice was rushed, and loud. "Look at this" the door shuts and I can practically see her drag Axel over.

"Oliver look at us" her voice was harsh and I just closed my eyes looking the other way. "Please Olive" her voice softens and I open my eyes and force myself to look at them.

A few emotions flicker through their faces before Axel speaks up. "Who did this," he asked his voice aggressive and mad. "He just said some guy" she answers for me and I look away again.

"How long ago?" He looks at her and she holds up a two. "Make sense" he mutters before coming to sit next to me. "Tell me what happen" he whispers taking my face in his hand.

He examines my eye touching the bruised part lightly, I still jerk away. It is sensitive and hurt like hell. Lily sat on my other side rubbing my shoulder.

"Please we just want to help" Lily pleaded and I look between them before sighing. "It's really not that big of a deal- I kind of deserved it" I admit scratching my neck.

"Why would you deserve this!" Her voice grows and she gets angry. "Because I punched one of them first!" I yell quickly covering my mouth not to wake the toddler.

"One of them? You punched somebody!?" Axel leans in more and Lily smiles widely before letting it drop. "Right in the nose", I chuckle actually proud of myself.

"My baby, I'm so proud of you" Lily sings kissing my head. "Yeah proud of you too, but Lily we've got to discuss this first" he reminds her and I pout. "We really don't" I give him finger guns, both shoot me down.

It's a Small Town✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora