Chapter 22

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"I'm home" I shout into the house receiving a toddler on my leg. "How'd morning shift go?" Lily yawns standing from the couch. "Awful... I hate mornings" I groan picking Evelyn up.

"Never again" I hiss throwing the baby up. She gurgles as I do this for a few minutes, soon getting tired. I let her down and she immediately started running around the house.

"Want to go on a walk?" I ask looking a the rambunctious little girl. "Just around the block", I shrug and Lily nods. "Let me get dressed" she trudges into her room.

I do the same into my room stripping myself of my uniform. I changed into some joggers and a tighter t-shirt before putting on some tennis shoes.

"Evelyn!" I call for the girl and the baby peeks into my room before waddling over. "Brother is going to change you now" I coo lifting her up and onto my bed.

She sits up looking around while I go into her container of clothes. I pull out some legging material shorts and a sundress. Grabbing a diaper from the bag and baby wipes, I cringe at how empty it is. Need to go shopping soon.

I run to the bathroom grabbing a towel and bringing it back with me, the baby powder too. I lay the towel out setting Evelyn on top. She giggles and kicks and I kiss her little feet. "Stay still for me please" I hum and she brings a hand to her mouth.

I quickly change her diaper before putting on her clothes. She stands when I go to throw away her diaper. I come back with her sandals and push her gently onto her butt.

She goes into a fit of laughter as I strap them onto her feet. With that I pull her off of the bed, just to be joined by Lily. She just had to do light makeup and was wearing jeans along with a black tube top and a flannel.

I hurried to the kitchen and filled up the only water bottle in the house with water. The Texas heat was something you didn't want to get stuck dehydrated in.

"Ready to go on a walk, Evelyn?" I ask the girl and she jumps up excited. "I weddy!" She cheers and we head out the door Lily locking it behind us.

We head towards the right and I watch the kid waddle in front of me, and I start to talk to Lily. "So Matty Mo?" She asks and I nod excitedly. "His art pieces are kind of colorful and out there, ya know, so I feel like I should add some color to the design" I brainstorm.

"Well tell me what ya got so far?" She chuckles and I check on the toddler in front of me helping her turn the corner. "So the whole point of the cafe is to be homey right?" I say and she nods.  "It's a lie, but yes" she laughs and I giggle.

"So I was thinking of painting the town realistic besides in the center of town is the cafe" she nods trying to envision it. Once I get that I think I want to draw some people in it besides they'll be like bright colors... making their way towards the cafe... I don't know" I cringe realizing how stupid it all sounded.

"I feel like with your talent you could make them beautifully... I'm so excited to see it!" She claps her hands together. "Please make the people colors of the pride flags... please" she begs me and my mouth drops.

"I'm so doing that, just to piss people off" I pump my fist now extra excited to work on it. "Okay Evelyn let's take a small break" I stop remembering the water bottle I had in my hands was there for a reason.

"Ahh- Ahh" she reaches for me mouth open. I squat down and wipe the hair out of her eyes. "It's hot isn't it?" I chuckle and she nods reaching for the water. I give her the bottle and she puts it in her mouth thirsty.

I was holding it for her since it was so heavy, but she didn't need to know that. "Yummy" she giggles hugging the bottle before giving it back to me. "Yup, real yummy" I repeat before taking a drink myself.

"Here" I hand it to Lily who smiles touching the rim. "Is this an indirect kiss?" She asks raising her eyebrows at me. "I'll let you go thirsty for the next... five minutes" I threaten her and she mocks me before taking a long drink.

"Okay, Evelyn let's go" I help her onto her feet and she leads the way once again. "Do you really think I could paint it all in time, and good?" I ask looking at her with some hope. "Oliver you've got talent and that's for sure. As long as you focus and actually work on it- I think you've got it" she cheers as we turn the last corner.

Our little house coming into view. "Tide" Evelyn grabs my leg and I stop to pick her. "Are you tired now?" I chuckle and she nods. My heart stops when I see his motorcycle parked next to Lily's car. What got me more was the man leaning against it.

"Oooo somebody's booty call is here" Lily sings. I slap her arm, readjusting the baby and the water bottle. "Can you walk the rest of the way?" I ask and she shakes her head with a pout. "Okay that's fine" I bounce her a bit as we make it onto our property.

Axel looks up from his phone and waves when he sees us. "Hey" he smiles and I wave back to him. "What are you doing here?" I ask and he gives Lily a curious look. "Lily texted me, asked if I would come over" he chuckles as Lily desperately tried to shut him up with her motions.

"Really" I growl looking at her. "Heh," she laughs nervously as I walk to the door. "Olive you're stressed out! Classes, work, our wonderful and joyous child" she chuckles as I don't even bother looking and just flip her off with my water bottled filled hand.

As soon as I'm in the cooler house I set the child down and put the water bottle on the counter. The door opens and I don't even bother looking as I listen to the two walk in.

"Hi!" Evelyn cheers followed by the usual. "Hi, Evelyn" she runs over to me next and falls onto my feet, wiggling around. "Tired?" I ask and she goes limp. "Wily" she pushed herself back up and slowly waddles over to Lily.

"Did you give her sugar this morning" I turn back and accuse Lily who throws her hands up? "Nope we had Cheerios that's all" she admits and I nod. "Now stopping being a brat and let your boyfriend hold you" she yells picking my sister up.

I blush at the title. "I should probably start working on a rough draft of my project" I change the subject going to my room to grab some pencils and my sketchbook.

"Hold the baby" Lily mutters and I hurry to get in my room and somehow hide. It doesn't work as she drags me out of the room. "Lily- dear god just let me work" I huff but she's resistant. "I will not let my best friend become even more of a workaholic" she whines and I just give up.

"Okay now give me the baby" she coos grabbing my sister again, dragging me over to Axel. "Hi" I look at him awkwardly and he smiles. "Hi" he gives me a little wave while Lily slips off into the kitchen singing to herself.

He takes my hand lightly and I watch his fingers interlock with mine. I'm pulled to the couch where he sits down and I follow suit. His arm wraps around my shoulders pulling me into his side.

"Want to tell me about this project?" He asks and I look up to him surprised he actually wanted to hear about it. "It's for work, a competition against other restaurants in the state. If you'd I well you go against the best in the country, the top five have a chance in meeting and being taught by an artist I really like" I explain moving my hand slowly across my body and his to grab his free hand.

I interlock our fingers once again resting my head on his shoulder. "What artist?" He asks still curious. "Matty Mo" I laugh and he nods. "Let me guess you have never heard of him" I presume. "You guessed correctly" he hums and I shake my head. "Uncultured" I scoff being dramatic.

"Well maybe you should teach me then" he sighs. "That's a lot of work" I complain, making eye contact with him. "And Oliver says I don't have good ideas" Lily hmphs and I ignore her stupidity.

"I promise I'm easy to teach" He whispers and I nod. "I'm lazy though" we were getting closer to each other with every word. "That's too bad" he mutters. I give in and our lips touch lightly before I pull away with the biggest smile. He gives me another kiss and I practically melt in his grip.

"See Evie, your brother is in his natural habitat... gay"

"Lily I'm going to- I can't even think of a threat."

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