Chapter 2

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"Woah when did you start drawing that" Lily exclaims from behind me literally scaring the crap out of me. Has the hour really gone by already!

  I turn back to her with a shy smile. "Uh after you went to class," I say hiding the newly drawn picture into my chest.

"Well, who's is it?" She asks attempting to make her eyes look like the picture I had drawn. "Definitely not yours" I laugh as she wiggles her eyebrows. "Dont tell me! it's your soon-to-be boyfriend" she snickers, my face going beat red. "No! I just found his eyes attractive.. well all of him" I sigh slapping myself in the head with my notebook.

"Did you stalk him when I was gone?" she asks stretching her neck to get a better look at my sketch. "No he just helped me open my locker, yet he somehow made it hot" I grumble. "You're so gay" she laughs as I just nod. "trust me I know" I groan, standing up.


The day went by almost too quickly. I caught myself purposefully staring out the windows or past certain people hoping to get a glimpse of the school's new hottie. I couldn't help it I am a simp.

"Time for dinner!" Lily squeals slamming my locker door shut for me... that's probably why it gets jammed. "how about we go to your house first, then we can discuss dinner" I roll my eyes throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"yeah yeah, whatever" she mumbles as we push open the school's front doors. Once again I couldn't help, but try to look for Axel. "you scoping out the eye candy" Lily whispers making me jump I had been too caught up in my own world. "yeah me too" she answers her own question whistling at some girl who walked by. She got a look of disgust in return but didn't seem to care.

"We need more gays in this town, you know what not even gays; just people who support gays... this is just stupid" she grabs my hand and we intertwined fingers. Walking off campus, we make our way down the sidewalk.

Crossing the street my gaze wandered to the side, the street to my house. The home I wish I was accepted into. "Do you think I could change?" I ask looking up to Lily. The only reason she's taller than me is her stupid boots.

"Well, what do you mean?" She asks pulling at a piece of hair on her shirt throwing it to the side.  "Like the way I look... I guess and act! Maybe if I wasn't gay I would be liked" I mumble getting a sigh in return.

Lily squeezes my hand as we turn down the street. "I know you're only saying that because you want to be accepted at home" she whispers as I hold my bag with my other.

"I don't want my life to be stereotypical! Homophobic parents, I feel hated blah blah, but Lils that's just how it's going" I chuckle sadly.

We walk silently until Lily stops taking her hand from mine. I was over crying, but at the same time, I felt like I should have been. "It's not your fault you got the short end of the stick, life sucks for you, but I'm betting that in the end, you're going to be happy, great things are going to happen for you" she takes my hand back and we continue our walk.

I felt weird. As we got to Lily's tiny house, one that her parents had left her when they moved away from this wretched town. I grabbed the doorknob to find it locked. "Fuck me" she groans slamming her head on the door.

"You did not" I chuckle as she punches the door. "You left the keys inside, oh my god" I burst into a fit of laughter bending over to grab my knees at my friend's misery.

"Don't start laughing, you're the one I'm throwing through the window" she sings evilly as I freeze standing to take my leave. "The bench looks extra comfy" I point back to the sidewalk with my thumb.

I didn't even get a step in as she pulled me by my collar over to the side of her house. "Nooo, people are going to think I'm a criminal!" I whine. "A sexy criminal" she adds and I stop struggling, to let her drag me.

"Are you seriously going to do it now because I said..." she trails off shaking her head with a laugh. "Shhh, my priorities are a little mixed up right now" I pout standing, as we make it to her side window. Thankfully it was broken, and could never lock because of Lily's idiotic self. She's too strong for her own good.

"Damn straight they are" she chuckles looking between me and the window. "It's fine though because I have TrAuMa" I sing the last word bobbing my head back and forth. "Okay trauma, time to get on my shoulders I'm hungry" she laughs as I put myself in front of the wall.

With that thought I turn my head back around before spreading my legs shoulder-width apart "please don't peg me" I ask and she gives me a reassuring smile.  "I know, I know, wait until we get inside" she sighs before going between my legs and lifting me.

I roll my eyes at her answer fumbling with the window. "The bench, sounds extra comfy right now" I call down to her. "Yeah well, then you're going to get pegged by a homeless man!" She yells back up to me. My face goes red as I put a finger to my lips shushing her. "And I know your safe word!" She continues and I just can't bring myself to open the window because I'm laughing way too hard.

"What safe word- I don't even know my own safe word!" I laugh as her shoulders rise and fall making us go every which way except to the window. "Oh uh, it's- scrumptious!" She makes a word up on spot.

I snort causing Lily to snort and both of us just burst into a new fit of laughter as she brings us back over to the wall. I lay my head on the window unable to breathe. "Scrumptious?" I choke out.

"Yeah! Ya know like, oh no don't put it there! Scrumptious! Scrumptious!" She lets out these fake moans as I snort again trying to cover my laughs. "Lily stop I can't breathe!" I shout while the girl keeps moaning the same word over and over again.

Suddenly I hold my breath as a motorcycle revving is heard not so far away. I look back to the road and freeze as the new boy drives by. "He definitely looked over here, didn't he?" I huff letting my head hit the window.

"Yup... I hope he liked what he saw!" She shouts slapping her ass. "Lily! Still up here!" I panic starting to slide off her shoulders. I cling onto the window frame for dear life. Until I'm stable, and finally able to open the damn window! Climbing in I close it behind me before hopping off of the kitchen counter.

I take my sweet time to go to the front door. Finally opening it for the girl. She was leaning against the doorway trying to be cool but failed as she fell forward as the door disappeared. "Ya think he heard me moaning scrumptious?" She asks steadying herself.

"Probably" I laugh. Holding my stomach, the pain of me laughing so hard was just starting to go away. "No wonder we don't have friends" she sighs shaking her head.

"One day when we're able to move out of here, we will find a place that's accepting of us!" I plop onto her couch trying to be optimistic. Her smile doesn't leave once. "Together" she gives me her pinky and I shake my head latching my pinky onto hers "together" I reply before we both blow on our thumbs, releasing our hands from each other, only to flip each other off.

It was our not-so-creative and appropriate handshake. In Lily rules, it bonded us for life though. Being her friend is like joining a cult. She walks to the kitchen and I close my eyes listening to the cabinets open and close followed by the fridge.

Lily returns a few minutes later and I open my eyes to see her hands full she had her big bag of chips in her mouth. In one hand was a glass of water with her protein stuff in it and the other my water. "With ice and a straw sir," she exclaims, dropping the bag of chips onto the coffee table in front of us.

"Thank you ma'am" I nod to her and she plops down next to me with a cry. "Ow, the k-" she freezes trying to save herself, but it was too late. "You have the key!" I shout giving her a look of bewilderment.

"Did you know this whole time!" I add as she puffs out her lip giving me innocent eyes. "Think about all the fun we had" she whines as I groan. "I just climbed through your kitchen window... again!" I yell.

"Just turn the tv on before I strangle you with your phone charger" she stops plugging in her phone and attempts to throw the cord the other way with a small "heh"

"Stop being mad and cuddle me"

"Go climb through the window then we can cuddle"

"It's for the cuddles" she stands and I immediately pull her back down. "No... just no"

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