Chapter 35

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"It's so hot" I groan wiping my face. Lily walks in through the kitchen and giggles. "What!" I shout and her giggling gets louder. "Jesus Christ Lily- I let him fuck me get over it!" I shout laying onto my back.

"I knowwwww but the way you describe ittttt!" She shouts hiding in the kitchen. "I'm never telling you anything again" I yell getting a hurt gasp. My face goes red thinking about last week. He was amazing, I would have let him do anything to me.

I go back to fanning my face as the toddler waddles out of my room with her bear. "Baby it's too hot to be lugging that thing around" I laugh and she flops into my lap.

"Wada?" She asked looking up at me. "Water? What about it?" I ask and she points outside. "Go en wada?" She asks and I look to the door confused. "You want to go in the water?" I ask and she nods.

"Okay yeah, we can do that" I smile standing. She follows me to my room and I search her drawer for her swimsuit. Pulling it out I quickly dress her. Before pulling on shorts myself, and changing into a t-shirt I didn't care about.

"Lily! Evelyn and I are going outside in the pool" I shout. "Got it, I'll join you guys in a bit" she pops her head out of the kitchen looking through a portfolio. "Kk," I smile opening the door and letting the excited baby waddle her way out.

She turns around and uses her hands and feet to get down the few steps. I grab the plastic kiddie pool and set it onto the grass. Taking the hose from the side of the house I filled the pool.

It takes about three minutes before the pool is filled. The toddler jumps in and squeals before bending over. "Co! Cold! Co!" She laughs her face scrunching up.

I laugh as she bounces in the pool. "Cold? Well let me in, it's hot out here I laugh and her eyes widen. "Yay!" She shouts clapping. I step into the cold water and hiss. "Dang you're right it is cold" I laugh.

"I told oo!" She giggles and I smile before slowly sitting down crisscross. My knees practically fall over the edge of the pool and I laugh as she lays in my lap shivering. "Brrrr" I huff and she giggles.

"Brrrr" she copies me and I nod rubbing her stomach. "It feels nice compared to the sun though doesn't it?" I smile and she splashes around. Evelyn throws her hands up and backward splashing me with little droplets.

"Did you just splash me!" I gasp and she copied me putting her hand over her mouth. "No, I not" she whispers trying to stifle her little laughs. "I think you did!" I shout and she shakes her head. "No! I no!" She squeals but then proceeds to splash me again.

"You did it again!?" I scoff and she giggles. I put my hand in the water splashing her. She gets drenched in water and squeals as I wipe the hair out of her face. "How do you like that!" I ask getting a huff.

Standing up she turns to face me. "I get oo!" She yells and splashes me in the face. "Ugh cold!" I wipe the water off my face as she falls onto her butt laughing hard.

"I can't believe you just did that" I put a hand to my heart looking at her absolutely bewildered. "I did noting" she hides her hands in the water. Before kicking her feet splashing me some more. My hair was flat over my face no floof left.

I laugh moving some of it out of my eyes to find Evelyn staring at me with a big toothy smile. "I love you" I shake my head so happy to see her happy as well.

"I woves oo" she crawls over to me and jumps into my arms. I squeeze her in a hug before softly kissing her head. She slides down my stomach and back into the water. "No more hug?" I laugh and she nods going onto her hands and knees.

"Hi, cutie" I give her a small wave. She opens her mouth her tongue out. "Are you drinking the water?" I laugh and she smiles before closing her mouth.

"I ha cool my moof too!" She gurgles and I nod. "Well is your mouth cool now?" I ask and she nods standing back up. "I like wada!" She cheers throwing her arms up. "Yeah water is nice" I sigh sitting back.

She starts to jump watching it splash around and laughing as it ripples. She slips and falls and I'm quick to grab her. Evie spits out some water and blinks rapidly. "Did you hit your head?" I ask holding her to my chest.

"No" she whispers and I nod rubbing her back. "Okay well let's be careful" I chuckle and she nods shaking in my arms. "Did that scare you?" I ask seeing she was still a little startled. "Yeah" she whispers and I rub the hair out of her eyes.

"Well let's just take a minute" I coo rubbing her back. She puts her head on my chest her tiny body still trembling. "Aww, poor baby" I hoist her up as the door to the house open.

"I brought you guys towels" Lily cheers closing the door behind her. She hurries down the steps and sets the towels down on the grass. "Wily!" Evie shouts pulling back to wave at her.

"Hi Evelyn" she waved back. "Are you all better now?" I ask and she nods sitting down. "What happen?" Lily asked looking at us with a concerned look.

"Just had a little slip" I explain and she nods sitting next to us. "I got my portfolio done and I must say I'm pretty excited about it" she lays back on her hands and I nod. "Nice can't wait to see it" I chuckle and she grows giddy just thinking about her work.

"Can you watch her, I need to go get her meds" I ask and she nods sitting against the pool. I step out grabbing a towel, wrapping it around me. Evelyn starts to splash around with the extra room as I let the sun warm me up. It felt nice now that my body was so cool.

Walking into the house, I go for the fridge grabbing the orange juice. I put it onto the counter grabbing her sippy cup. Filling the cup, I go into the top cabinet grabbing her medicine. I drop a few drops in before shaking it up.

Putting the medicine far away and out of reach, I then put the juice away hurrying out of the room. Opening the door, I walk out to find Evelyn splashing around still, Lily watching her with a smile.

I sit next to Lily before calling for the child. She stops and stares at me. Flopping onto her butt,  waiting for me to talk. "Drink break?" I asked handing her the cup.

"Okie" she grabs it taking a big drink. "Thank you" she giggles before taking another drink. I smile and Lily rests her head on my shoulder. "So I saw you smiling at your phone earlier, wanna talk about it?" I question her and she smiles wide.

"Shea was texting me, she just said something cute- she's got a weird obsession with mice and yeah I thought it was funny" she chuckles. "Yeah? So have you guys met up again?" I continue.

"Yeah we did the dirty again, but she actually let me stay and cuddle afterward... so I think we might be going somewhere" she looks up at me her eyes filled with some hope.

"Has she asked you on a date yet?" I cross my fingers hoping, for her sake. "No, but if she does happen to invite me- I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend" she cheers and I clap. "Yay, another model for your Instagram" I joke and she fluffs up her hair.

"If it actually happens... I feel like she might not want to" she groans and I look back to the baby whose sippy cup was now floating in the pool. "Hey don't give up all hope" I rub her shoulder also grabbing the cup.

Evie steps out of the pool going for the cup. "Oh, you want it back?" I ask and she nods taking it back. She takes another drink before sitting on my lap.

"I'm serious Lily, give it time" I reach back to the towel behind me and dry my sister, lightly drying off her hair. "I'm going to- I'm actually trying to commit again, so if I have to wait a while I'm going to" she admits and I take the towel off of my sister letting the sun dry her the rest of the way.

She takes another drink resting her head against my back. "Yummy!"

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