Chapter 37

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The Oberois breathed in relief when the collective efforts of the police department could finally bring home Anika's adopted brother. The three brothers watched with happy smiles, the union of the brother-sister duo.

"Anika didi, I can't breathe," Sahil exclaimed as his sister continued to hug him tight.

Gauri chuckled as she patted the boy's head.

"Bhaujai, stop it now, you are squeezing the life out of him," she coaxed her sister in law making her part from the hug with a huge smile on her face.

"Ufff, thank you so much Gauri didi," said the former as he embraced her.

"Are you alright Sahil? Did you get hurt?" Gauri asked gently.

"No, I got bored at school and irritating those rowdy uncles was fun," he said grinning.

Gauri raised her eyebrows in surprise and so did the rest of the family.

"They didn't hurt you?" Anika asked knitting her eyebrows.

"Nope," the boy said and Gauri looked at Bhavya in doubt.

"Anika Bhabhi, let him freshen up. You can talk to him then," said Bhavya.

Anika nodded with a smile and took her brother to her room. Looking at the bright smile return to his fiancé's face, Shivaay's heart filled with happiness.

"Thanks so much Bhavya," he said turning to the lady cop who had been of great help to them since the start. His brothers too mimicked him telling her how much her help meant to them.

"It is my duty bhaiyya, you don't need to thank me," she shushed them giving him a hug.

"Billu, after so many days we are again smiling. There is so much to do for the wedding. Let us start the rituals from evening," Kalyani said.

"Yaay, wedding bells ring," Bhavya cheered, parting from the hug making the rest smile.

"Yeah Shivaay. It is already late," Jhanvi seconded her mother in law.

"No issues, we will take over the arrangements. Let the children rest for now," Tej said and Shakti agreed.

"Right. Khoteyo, go and rest for today then. Your fathers gave you a holiday," Kalyani quipped.

"We will thank them if they don't ruin things that are already arranged," Omkara murmured and his father raised an eyebrow.

Kalyani playfully slapped him and said, "My sons know better than that. Stop being sarcastic and go to bed."

Gauri smiled watching her husband and brother in laws bicker with the elder one, blissfully unaware of the eyes watching her with controlled rage.

If not for you, my son wouldn't be stuck with that manhoos... she thought in disdain.

"What is it Pinky, why are you looking at Gauri like that?" Jhanvi asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Nothing," the latter smiled back.

"I think we should start with the preparations now mummy ji. We have no time to waste," she added looking at her son smiling with his brothers.

"Good, finally you got to your senses," Kalyani appreciated her daughter in law before passing orders as to what needed to be done in the coming days.

Pinky listened to instructions with half mind, all the time controlling herself from walking up to the girl who ruined her plan, thereby spoiling her son's life. Her hands itched to slap and strangling her with bare hands.

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