Chapter 60

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"Your wife has taken a liking to her professor," the man said.

"I agree that it wasn't completely her fault but Arjun was only too eager to reciprocate her attraction. After all who wouldn't. Your wife is a beauty to die for."

"That is the most absurd and unbelievable explanation that I heard in many years," Omkara found his voice again.

"When you were out of town, Mrs. Oberoi rarely stayed at your home. She was with Arjun for two days alone in a hotel room."

"Shut the nonsense, I know my wife. She stayed with her friends."

"Come on Mr. Oberoi, didn't you notice her flinch when you touch? Why else would she do it unless she felt guilty to betray you."

Omkara widened his eyes in shock.

"How in the name of hell did you...." he growled but was soon cut off.

"Your wife talks to her friends Omkara. She feels sorry for her momentary lapse of control. Whatever happened between Mrs. Oberoi and Arjun Shastri was very recent. I hope you understand that her mistake was a onetime thing and punish that Arjun for seducing her into the act."

"Who are you and what do you get through this?"

"I am not your friend but I am the enemy of your enemy."

"Can we not talk in puzzles?"

"Arjun Shastri is a cunning and unfaithful dog," the voice screamed in anger and Omkara listened carefully. He decided to keep the other one talking.

"He betrayed me by sleeping with my girlfriend a few years ago. On the outside, he might look like a respectable gentleman but on the inside, he is just a deceitful pervert," said the man.

"Just because I don't have the money and allies, I will not let him go unpunished."

"Why should I believe you?" Omkara asked.

"You don't need to. If you do not help me, I have my own ways to take my revenge Mr. Oberoi. I just have a sympathetic heart for you because I was in your place some time back."

"How will you punish Arjun?"

"I also have a video with me which has the same content as the pictures I sent you. I can use them to expose..."

"Don't you dare to complete that statement," Omkara raged.

"I want that clip and all other evidence which you have with you," he asked.

"Oh, so you believe me," the voice goaded him.

Keeping his voice neutral, Omkara gave his answer, "I believe you."

"Actually, something tells me that you will know the pain of a jilted lover. You understand me, don't you Omkara?"

"I want the video of Gauri and Arjun the earliest possible. I will help you with punishing Arjun Shastri."

"I am sorry but I will have to keep the evidence with me until you punish your friend."

"But I need to have the video to..."

"You will want the visual for nothing but to protect your wife's respect."

"No, it is..."

"I am no fool Mr. Oberoi. Make me believe that you will punish your friend and you will get what you want. The faster you take the step, the better it will be for us. Your time starts now."

"Listen to me first. I have to..."

"Remember that I am watching you Mr. Oberoi. The video can be on social network if you stay silent," the voice warned before the line went dead.

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